AnSc 22 Lec CO4 Flashcards
The top 3 regions with the highest numbers of distribution of goat inventory.
- Central Visayas
- Central Luzon
- Western Visayas
Distribution of Goat Inventory by Classification
- Smallhold: ______
- Semi-commercial: _____
- Commercial: _____
Smallhold: 99.2%
Semi-commercial: 0.39%
Commercial: 0.37%
Doe - level
Small: _____
Medium: _____
Large: _____
Small: 25 and below
Medium: >25
Large: >100
Meat type goat breed with short to medium hair and horns are prominent.
It has a reddish brown head and neck with white body and legs.
It is known as the most productive breed of goat for meat production in the world.
The Boer goat has a mature weight of 70-90 kilograms.
True or False?
Mature weight: _____
Ave. Milk production: _____
Lactation period: _____
Mature weight: 70-90 kilograms
Ave. Milk Production: 1-1.5 liters.
Lactation period: 200 days
The Saanen has a twinning incidence of 29%.
True or False?
The Philippine Native Goal has a twinning incidence of 29%.
The “Queen of Dairy Goats”
Ear length of La Mancha
One inch: __________
two inch: __________
One inch: Gopher ear
Two inch: Elf ear
* sturdy, vigorous and long life
* ears are short and erect or pointed forward
Color and Markings:
* light to dark chocolate with distinct white markings
* has 2 white stripes down the muzzle
* fairly white from knees downward and high legs
The lactation period of the Saanen
280 days.
This goat breed can be milked for two years without being freshened.
La Mancha
Goat breed that produces quality milk with high butterfat and protein over a long period of time.
La Mancha
Goat breed that is characterized by its long, wide, pendulous ears, and Roman nose.
Nubian / Anglu-Nubian
The goat breed that has higher milk nutritional content than Saanen.
* Sought after for its abundant production
* Light tan to deep reddish brown with black points
* can also be black in color as a result of recessive genes
* have erect ears and straight face.
The Philippine Goat Breed Registry is developed by _______________.
Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR)
Standardization of recording and evaluation of system was developed.
Philippine Goat Breed Registry
The ____________ has a white body and a black face that stands strong and square. It is a medium-sized sheep developed by Innovis using UK and New Zealand Suffolk genetics.
It is a composite terminal sire breed with fast growth and ease of finishing, with improved carcass conformation through the introgression of beneficial carcass traits from two other meat breeds.
It is distinctive for its completely black face and downturned ears.
As a large, lowland, terminal sire breed, the _________’s purpose is to produce quality lambs with good conformation and growth rates, both crossbred and pure.
This breed is a total shedding breed and requires no shearing, crutching or mulesing. It is this characteristic that gives it the feature of being a unique easy care breed.
It originated from crossing a Persian Blackhead with a Dorset Horn sheep and in later experiments crossing with Van Rooy.
White Dorper
What breed?
- Rams can breed as early as 4 months.
- Ewes reach sexual maturity at six or seven months
- Ewes can produce two lamb crops per year, usually twins.
- Can thrive on substandard forage & varied climates
- Proven resistance to internal parasites.
St. Croix
What breed?
- mature rams sport a lion-like mane that may fall down to the knees.
- hair coat sheds smooth in summer, and thick with mixed hair and downy undercoat in winter
- most are white, but a few express some brown or black.
- most are polled, but some have scurs
St. Croix
It is a hair sheep breed that evolved on the island of Barbados in the Caribbean.
- meat is described as having an excellent, mild flavor, likely due to it having less fat.
*Thrive in the hot, humid environments - Low-maintenance as it does not require shearing - they naturally shed their wool each year.
Barbados Black Belly
Typical traits that goat producers are aiming for…
- Growth rate
- Conformation such as feet, udder, and jaw
- Frame size
- Carcass and meat characteristics
- Fertility and fecundity
- Ease of kidding
- Mothering ability
- Temperament
- Milk production
- Physical characteristics such as skin color.
During selection of goats for reproduction / breeding, the following points must be considered:
- Number of times the doe gives birth in one year.
- Number of kid(s) at parturition
- Record of stillbirth or live birth of kid(s)
- Number of kid(s) that are successfully weaned.
If the goat does not meet the criteria for selection, they are removed through culling.
True or False?
Sexual maturity in doe
1 year
Breeding age of goats
8-9 months
Age at puberty of goats
120 days to 1 year