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> cognition and development -vygotskys theory > Flashcards
cognition and development -vygotskys theory Flashcards
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(104 decks)
Attachment: Shaffers stages of attachment
Attachment: role of the father
Attachment: explanations of attachment -learning theory
Attachment: caregiver and infant interactions
Attachment: animal studies
Attachment: Bowlbys monotropic theory
Attachment: Mary ainsworth strange situation
Attachment: cross cultural variations
Attachment: bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation
Attachment: Romanian orphan studies
Attachment: influence of early attachment on later relationships
Memory: multistore model of memory
Memory: working memory model
Memory: types of LTM
Memory: interference theory
Memory: retrieval failure
Memory: eyewitness testimony (leading questions)
Memory: eyewitness testimony (post event discussion)
Memory: eyewitness testimony (anxiety)
Memory: cognitive interview
Social influence: types of conformity
Social influence: explanations of conformity
Social influence : key studies (asch)
Social influence: key studies (zimbardo)
Social influence: explanations for obedience
Social influence: key studies (milgram)
Social influence: resistance to social influence
Social influence: minority influence
Social influence: social change
Psychopathology: definitions of abnormality
Psychopathology: characteristics of phobias, depression and ocd
Psychopathology: behavioural explanations for phobias
Psychopathology: behavioural treatments for phobias
Psychopathology: biological explanation to ocd
Psychopathology: biological treatments to depression
Psychopathology: cognitive explanations for depression
Psychopathology: cognitive treatment for depression
Research methods: aims and hypotheses
Research methods: variables and controls
Research methods: methods of controlling variables
Research methods: factors effecting validity
Research methods: carrying out research
Research methods: experimental designs
Issues and debates: gender bias
Issues and debates: culture bias
Issues and debates: free will and determinism
Issues and debates: nature and nurture
Issues and debates: holism and reductionism
Issues and debates: idiographic and nomothetic
Issues and debates: ethical implications of research and theory
Biospychology: nervous system
Biopsychology: structure and function of neurons
Biopsychology: synaptic transmission
Biopsychology: endocrine system
Biopsychology: fight or flight response
Biopsychology: ways of studying the brain
Biopsychology: localisation of functions (case study evaluation)
Biopsychology: localisation of function (brain scan evaluation)
Biopsychology: localisation of function (neurosurgery evaluation)
Biopsychology: hemispheric lateralisation
Biopsychology: hemispheric lateralisation (brain scan evaluation)
Biopsychology: hemispheric lateralisation (split brain research)
Biopsychology: brain plasticity
Biopsychology: functional recovery
Biopsychology: biological rhythms -circadian rhythms
Biopsychology: biological rhythms -ultradian rhythms
Biopsychology: biological rhythms -infradian
Biopsychology: endogenous pacemakers
Biopsychology: exogenous zeitgebers
Forensic psychology: offender profiling
Forensic psychology: top down approach
Forensic psychology: bottom up approach
Forensic psychology: biological explanation -atavistic
Forensic psychology: biological explanation (genetic)
Forensic psychology: biological explanation (neural)
Forensic psychology: psychological explanation (eyesnecks theory)
Forensic psychology: psychological explanation (cognitive explanations)
forensic psychology: psychological explanation (DAT)
forensic psychology: psychological explanation (psychodynamic)
forensic psychology: ways of dealing with offenders -prison
forensic psychology: ways of dealing with offender- behaviour modification
forensic psychology: ways of dealing with offenders -anger management
forensic psychology: ways of dealing with offenders -restorative justice
approaches -origin of psychology
approaches -the learning approach (behaviourism)
approaches -the learning approach (social learning theory)
approaches -cognitive approach
approaches -biological approach
approaches -psychodynamic approach
approaches -humanistic psychology
schizophrenia -diagnosis and classification
schizophrenia -biological explanations for SZ
schizophrenia -biological explanation of SZ (neural)
schizophrenia -biological treatments (drug therapies)
schizophrenia -psychological explanations for SZ (family dysfunction)
schizophrenia -cognitive explanations
schizophrenia -psychological treatments (CBT)
schizophrenia -psychological explanations (family therapy)
schizophrenia - psychological treatments of SZ (token economies)
schizophrenia -interactionist approach to SZ
schizophrenia -treatments according to the interactionist approach
cognition and development -piaget theory
cognition and development -piagets stages
cognition and development -vygotskys theory