Chapter 7 Pt. 2 Flashcards
Rates for property victimization are higher for _______-headed households than male-headed households
Greater overall risks for property victimization for _______ are also found among all types of property crimes except motor vehicle theft
Greater overall risks for property victimization for women are also found among all types of property crimes except _____ ______ _____
motor vehicle theft
Households headed by _____ residents have higher risks of property victimization than other racial groups
________-headed households also have higher risks of property victimization for each type of offense than non-hispanic households.
Households headed by _________ and ______ ______ (< 19 years old) have the highest risks of each type of property victimization
young adults
Households with the _______ income (<15,000) have the highest risks of each type of ________ victimization
As household income _________ property crime victimization _________
Property victimization rates are higher in households with __ or more members than other types of households
________ states have the highest property crime victimization.
Western states have the highest property crime victimization; the only exception is for household _______ rates, where the ______ has the highest rate
Urbanareasandthosewithapopulationbetween250,000to1millionhavethehighestratesofpropertyvictimizationoverallandfor eachtypeof _______crime
What are the major problems with the NCVS’s survey accurately representing national rates of victimization?
(1) Particular groups of people who have high risks of personal victimization aren’t included
(2) changes in question wording
(3) crimes committed by acquaintances and family members are under reported
(4) data seriously undercounted the prevalence of repeated victimizations that occur on a regular basis
How is data interpreted for NCVS?
(1) Sample Data used to represent population estimates
(2) computing victimization rates
(3) patterns in households “touched” by Crime
How is lifetime victimization computed?
computed probability by taking risks for victimization by each age group
starting from 12
What are the Lifetime Risks for Violent Victimization?
______ (89%) vs ________ (73%)
Age ___ (83%) vs Age ___ (53%) vs Age ___ (14%)
Males (89%) vs Females (73%) Age 12 (83%) vs Age 30 (53%) vs Age 60 (14%)
What are the Lifetime Risks for Property Victimization?
Burglary (72%)
Motor Vehicle Theft (19%)
What are the Lifetime Risks for Property Victimization?
Burglary (72%)
Motor Vehicle Theft (19%)