Chapter 5 Pt. 2 Flashcards
What is the percentage of arrestees under 25 years old, per crime?
arson- 62% robbery- 62% burglary- 55% motor vehicle theft- 52% murder- 46% rape- 41%
According to UCR data (2011); ______ are over-represented in arrests for violent crime and, to a lesser extent, property crimes; even though they only make up about __% of the population.
Why is there a disproportionate overrepresentation of Blacks as arrestees for violent crime?
(1) Blacks are involved in greater levels of violent behavior
(2) Violence is more commonly used among Blacks as a method of dispute resolution
(3) Police are involved in more patrol‐related activities in minority neighborhoods
What are the problems with UCR Data as an Accurate Measure of Crime?
(1) Crimes known to the police are not representative of all crimes
(2) National Coverage Problems
(3) Non-Uniform Reporting of UCR data across jurisdictions
“____ _______ __ ______”-the gap between the amount of crimes known to the police and the true extent of crime
dark figures of crimes
Why do people typically not report crime to the police?
(1) a feeling that nothing could be done
(2) fear of retaliation by the offender for reporting it
(3) a belief that it was a “private matter”
(4) a belief that the police would not want to be bothered even if the offense was reported
How does the FBI try to compensate for inconsistent reporting?
The FBI tries to compensate with algorithms and estimates
How did the LAPD create non-uniform reporting?
LAPD recorded aggravated assaults in cases of domestic violence as “domestic assaults”, instead of aggravated assaults
How did the Philadelphia Police Department create non-uniform reporting?
The Philadelphia Police Department counted rapes as “trespasses” or “investigations”
How did Atlanta create non-uniform reporting?
Atlanta downgraded numerous Part 1 and Part 2 Offenses to improve their image for the 2000 Summer Olympic Games
Why does deliberate manipulation sometime occur in reporting crime data?
Political Factors (e.g. elections) Economic Factors (e.g. Fed./State funding)
What is NIBRS?
National Instant Base Reporting System
How do acts of Acts of Omission/Commission occur in reporting crime data?
Errors in reporting by public/police
Errors in data coding/recording
The National Instant Base Reporting System (NIBRS) is used currently, as of _____, in ___% of the U.S. population.
___ states are certified as participants in NIBRS.
The National Instant Base Reporting System (NIBRS) reports info on a _______ __________ ________.
mobile behavioral incident
How does NIBRS compare to UCR?
UCR only collects serious offenses under the hierarchal rule, and only records female victims of rape
While NIBRS records for both genders
UCR only collects serious offenses under the _________ ______, and only records _______ victims of rape
hierarchal rule
What are the strengths of NIBRS?
NIBRS covers more offenses and is a more complete data collection instrument
What are the limitations of NIBRS?
NIBRS is more time consuming to collect and takes longer to process