Chapter 24: White Collar Crime (Occupational and Organizational Crime) Pt. 2 Flashcards
What are the different types of white collar crime scams?
(1) telecommunication fraud
(2) “data diddlers”
(3) “Trojan horses” (or secret files)
(4) “Telemarketing”
(5) “loss dumping”
(6) “Overutilization”
Which type of white collar crime scam is this:
computer‐ assisted embezzlement by manipulating the information fed into computers for their advantage
“data diddlers”
Which type of white collar crime scam is this:
used by computer programmers to make fraudulent electronic transfers, erase personal debts, or discover confidential information without detection
“Trojan horses” (or secret files)
Which type of white collar crime scam is this:
scams entice consumers to buy into worthless investments
Which type of white collar crime scam is this:
a stockbroker buys stock options without attaching the customer account numbers
“loss dumping”
Which type of white collar crime scam is this:
done by medical professionals and other service providers
What are the different types of “telemarketing” scams?
“cash loans”
“blind pool”
Which type of “telemarketing” scam is this:
callers are charged $49 for a generic information package on how to apply for bank loan
“cash loans”
Which type of “telemarketing” scam is this:
credit cards in which callers pay a fee for a card that turns out to be usable only once
Which type of “telemarketing” scam is this:
penny stock offerings based on misleading information about new small companies
“blind pool”
What are the different types of “overutilization”?
(1) “ping-ponging”
(2) “family ganging”
(3) “fee-splitting”
(4) “steering”
(5) “upgrading”
Which type of “overutilization” is this:
referring patients to several different practitioners when their symptoms do not warrant such referrals
(1) “ping-ponging”
Which type of “overutilization” is this:
extending several unnecessary services to all members of a patient’s family
(2) “family ganging”
Which type of “overutilization” is this:
sending patients to surgeons who will split the largest fee rather than to those who will do the best work
(3) “fee-splitting”
Which type of “overutilization” is this:
directing patients to clinics’ pharmacies to fill unneeded prescriptions
(4) “steering”