Chapter 5 polyphony through the 13th century Flashcards
music in which voices singer together in independent parts originally style of performance, decorative
Polyphony created
1 counterpoint- combo of multiple independent lines 2 Harmony regulation of simultaneous sounds 3 notation was centralized 4 composition - distinguished western music ever since.
Musica enchiriadis
Treatises Musica enchiriadis used the term organum for 2 or more voice singing different notes in agreeable combinations.
organum is, in general, a plainchant melody with at least one added voice to enhance the harmony, developed in the Middle Ages. Depending on the mode and form of the chant, a supporting bass line (or bourdon) may be sung on the same text, the melody may be followed in parallel motion (parallel organum), or a combination of both of these techniques may be employed. Parallels in fifths organal voice (added) was usually lower
Free organum
singers were improvising and scribes were recording a new style. Note against note organum in which the original voice has greater independence and prominence - rules were preserved in Ad organum faciendum 1100 new voice part is now normally above
Aquitanian polyphony, florid organum and tenor
12th century france new more ornate type of polyphony .discant occurs when both parts move at about the same rate 1 -3 notes in the upper part to 1 lower - florid organum lower voice holds principal melody tenor ex Jubilemus, exultemus written in score notations where the voices are written above the text
Notre Dame 12th century
some of the first polyphony to be composed and read from notation rather than improvised
Composers developed 1st notations since ancient greece that indicate duration! Described in the 13th century treatise Johannes de Garlandia
Ligatures and tempus
Ligatures- combinations of note groups longs long notes and breves short notes 6 basic patterns rhythm modes
Tempus- basic time unit
Treatise from 1275 from anonymous 4
named two composer of polyphony at notre dame Leonin (magnus liber organi) and Perotin fluid repertoire
Leonin viderunt omnes plainchant, organum and discant
phrase self contained section of an organum setting a word or syllable from the chant and closing with a cadence made it possible to replace the original setting of chant the new clausuale were called substitute clausulae- discant style
Conductus settings for 2 -4 voices, rhymed rhythmic strophic latin poems Ave Virgo virginum
Tenor was newly composed , almost homorhythmic words were set syllabically with some melismatic passages called caudaes 13th century added newly written latin words to the upper voice of discant clausulae. Evolved into different languages, secular more voices begin leading polyphonic genre ex of early motet Factum est salutare/ Dominus -each part had different words - used in church and also for entertainment
Cantus firmus and motets in 1250-1270
1250 3 voice motets were the rule with 2 texts in related topics
Tenor part became cantus firmus 1270- Hieronymus de Moravia existing melody
Franconian notation
Franco of Cologne codified new notation system in Ars cantus mensurabilis 1280 durations were signified by note shapes DOUBLE LONG, LONG BREVE and SEMIBREVE
Tempus is now a quarter note (originally 8th) 3 tempora constitute a Perfection measure of 3 beats
Example De ma dame vient/ Dieus, comment porroie/ Omnes by Adam de la Halle
Petrus de Cruce
Composed around 1300, these motets are still considered part of the Ars Antiqua. Characteristics include further division of the triplum, the motetus and triplum move toward light and elegant expression, and a lack of concern for principles of proper textual accentuation.
Ars antiqua
also called ars veterum or ars vetus, is a term used by modern scholars to refer to the Medieval music of Europe during the High Middle Ages, between approximately 1170 and 1310.
English polyphony- similar to french they focused on sacred latin texts and tended to prefer homorhythmic style and regular phrasing of conductus. Used imperfect consonances in parallel motion more often. Preferred 4 voice textures with long short rhythms ex Hymn to St. Magnus
Also used VOICE Exchange - when voices trade segments of the melody.
two or 3 phrases first heard simultaneously are each taken up in turn by each of the voices.
Rota perpetual canon or round at the unison ex Sumer is icumen in 1250
Overview- direction, tension and resolution characteristic of western music
Notations was vertical to coordinate multiple parts
Leonin and Perotin
There is no specific date or documentation that shows exactly when polyphony started being used in the Church, but two French composers, Leonin and his student Perotin, of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, are generally credited with composing the first significant polyphonic church music.