Chapter 1 music in antiquity Flashcards
he ancient past, especially the period before the Middle Ages.
music/ instruments 36000 bce Babylonian
oral tradition, Flutes, Rattle drums Bronze Age- metal instruments bells horns, cymbals strings
where was music performed/ instruments 2500 bce
lyres and harps wedding, funerals, military, work, nursery dance, tavern
Earliest known composer
Enheduanna high priestess of ur wrote hymns
Babylonian tuning and notation
used the 7 note diatonic scale and used their names for intervals to create the earliest known musical notation
Greek instruments BCE
aulos- pipe, change note by position of reed in the mouth. lyre 7 strings kithara large lyre
Melos / Plato
music as a performing art , he believed Melos was a blend on text, rhythm and Harmonia (relationship among pitches) Aristotle wrote Poetics
single melodic line
instruments embellish while soloist /chorus sang unembellished
credited for discovering the octave, 5th and 4th, simplest possible ratios. Numbers octave 2:1 fifth 3:2 fourth 4:3 divided string
the unification of parts in an orderly whole because musical sounds and rhythms were ordered by numbers
ones ethical character or way of being and behaving
music effects ethos. Aristotle explained how music affecter behavior in his Politics
Earliest theoretical work
Harmonic Elements and Rhythmic Elements 330 by Aristoxenus
voice moves between sustained pitches separated by discrete intervals (formed between 2 notes of different pitch) Aristoxenus theory
scale 330 BCE
series of three or more different pitches. Ascending or descending.
4 notes spanning a perfect 4 th 3 types (genus) diatonic chromatic and enharmonic. two connected tetrachords could be conjunct (shared a note) or disjunct separated by a whole tone
Greater Perfect System
system of tetrachords spanning over 2 octaves (Hyperbolaion, Diezeugmenon, Meson, Hypaton, Proslambanomenos)
is the author of a Greek treatise on music theory titled Introduction to Harmonics. leonides’ treatise is the clearest account of the technical aspects of Aristoxenus’s musical theory
limited number of ways the tones and semi tones could be put 4th, 5ths and octaves (mixolydian, lydian, Phrygian, dorian, hypolydian, hypophrygian, hypodorian)
a scale or set of pitches within a specific range or region of the voice
Ancient Greek music notation/ remaining
chorus from plays by Euripides 485-406 BCE, letters and other signs above text to write music
Epitaph of Seikilos
The Seikilos epitaph is the oldest surviving complete musical composition, including musical notation,1st or the 2nd century CE. The song, the melody of which is recorded, alongside its lyrics, in the ancient Greek musical notation, was found engraved on a tombstone (a stele) either the Phrygian octave species or Iastian tonos. While older music with notation exists all of it is in fragments; the Seikilos epitaph is unique in that it is a complete, though short, composition