Chapter 34 Postwar Crosscurrents Flashcards
non classical styles
COuntry music, honky tonk and bluegrass - Hank willians and johnny cash.
Rhythm and blues similar to jazz Hound Dog
ROck and roll- beatlemania
Folk music BOB Dylan blowin in the wind.
Soul ray charles, james brown and aretha fanking respect. Motown
Salsa- cuban dance styles, rock and puertirican
Roger and Hammerstein oklahoma 1843 carousel 1945 south pacifc 1949 the sound of music 1959
Leonard berstain west side story
Bebop, virtuosic soloist fronting small combos 1940s ex anthropology by alto saxophonist charlie parker 1920 and trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie 1917
FREE Jazz 1960 ornette coleman innovative sounds, atonialiy and free from.
Oliver messiaen
1908-1992 french religious subjects quatuor pour la fin du temps written at a german military prison camp in 1941 experience on concentrated meditation on a few materials. Wrote the technique of my musical language 1944 Rhythm is a matter of duration not meter. Non Retrogradable rhythms same rhythm forwards or backwards
Benjamin Britten
1913-1976 england, modernism with simplicity. Hymn to St. Cecilia 1941 ONe act opera noye’s fludde 1957 - medial miracle play Peter pears Billy BUdd and Death in venice - homo sexuality PETER FROMES 1944 war reqiuem 1961- anit war
SAmuel Barber
1910-1981 american tonality romanticism Adgio for strings 1936 PIano sonata 1949- 12 tone rows Vocal Knoxville Summer of 1915 (1950) Hermit songs 1952 text by medieva irish monks
Alberto Ginastera
1916-1983 argentina object national Fanzas argentina for piano 1937 tonal with tradiitonla argentine folk music. 2 subjective nationalism Pampeanas no 1 for violin and piano 1947 Bartok style. 3 neo expressinoism earlier traist with 12 toneand avant guard don rodrigo 1963
Total serialism
the application of the principles of the 12 tone method to musical parameters other than pitch including duration, intensities and timbres ex Miltob Babbitt Three compositions for piano 1947- aries of porches and durations manipulated by the usual operations of inversions and retrograde ex Pierre Boulez Sturctures 1962- for 2 piano pitches and durations are both serial and dynamics and articulars are used to distinguish rows from one anther.
Lucian Berio - sequenza 1995-96 all diff instruments composed for specific perofmrers.
Elliot carter american wrote for virtuoso performers ex cello sonata 2948 metric modulation transition is made from one tempo and meter to another thoruhgh an intermediary stage.
John Cage
1912-1992 avant garde, new sounds, Third construction in metal 1941- tin cans. opposed musicam like preservation of music. Music should focus the listener in the moment. Change- some deiciosns normally made by the composer are instead determine through random procedures such as tossing coins.- experienced only as pure sound ex Music of CHanges for piano 1951- tossing coin 6 times to determine the answer from a list of 64 possibilities.
Indeterminacy the composer leaves certain aspects of the music unspecified. Concert for piano and orchestra 1957- 63 pages of graphic notation intended to be realized by the plater according to instructions in the score. Most famous 4’33”
Prepared piano
various objects such as pennies, bolts, screws or pieces of wood rubber plasic or slit bamboo are inserted betwee nteh strings of a piano, resulting in complex percussive sounds when the piano is played from the keyboard ex Sonatas and Interludes 1946
Harry Partch
1901-1974 new approach to pitch, scale with 43 notes. Modified guitars and marimbas Oedipus a music dance drama 1951
George Crumb
1929 Ancient voices of children 1970 a cycle of 4 songs toy piano, musical saw, harmonica, mandolin
Musique concrete
term coined by composers working in paris in the 1940s for music composed by assembling and manipulating recorded sounded working “concretely” with sound itself rather than with music notation. Pierre Schaeffer 1910-1995 ex Symphonie pour un homme seul 1950 on the radio.
Electric instruments created by oscillators 1915 theremin 1920 changed pitch according to the distance between the instrument santenna and the performers hand.
Gesand der jünglinge stockhausen and Varsese Poeme electronique combined electronic sounds with recorder ones,
THrenody: to the victims of hiroshima 1960 for 52 strings instruments by Krzysztof Penderecki 1933 best know pieces based on texture and process - musi is spacital with sound masses moving through musical space measures time by seconrds no pules or meter
Gyorgy Ligeti
hungarian music is space odyssey atmospheres 1961, requiem 1863 and lux aeterna 1966- music is in constant motion yet static both harmonically and melodically.
Witold Lutoslawski
1913-1994 polish string quartet 1964 pitches and rhythms are specified byt no the coordination of parts.
Performance art
an action in a public space constitutes a work of art 1960s YOko ono Grapfruit 1964 Earth piece 1963- the performer listens to the sound of the earth turing .
Quotation and collage
existing music wight multiple quotations. Reworking borrowed material by earlier composers. Ex Peter Maxwell Davies opera taverner 1962 based onthe life of renaissance composer john taverner reworks in nomine ex Berios sinfonia 1968 incorporated most of the scherzo movement of mahlers 2nd symphony
Concert band
1942 large ensmebl of winds brass and percussion instruments that performs seatd in the conert hall Schoenberg theme and variations 1943. Milhuads suite francaise 1944.
Wind ensemble
frederick fennell 1914-2005 Easterman a group dedicated solely to serious music. Band pieces were tradioanlly score for multiple players on each instrument.- in concert band wind was smaller. Vincent Persichetti 1915-1987 divertimento 1950 and william schuman 1910-1992 george washington bridge
Karel Husa
music for prague 1968 university composer and commissioned by a college ensemble. Politico concerns quoted materials, 12 tone method, indeterminacy and a focus on texture.
COmputer music
CHarles Dodge 1942 digital and sampling speech songs 1972 vowels into noise or natural inflections intro melodies
Mixed media and music videos MTV
LAurie Anderson performance artist 1947 singing, violin playing poetry speaking electrons film slides and lighting O SUPERMAN 1981 synthesizer proceed voice .
JOhn WIllians
1932 star warms full scale symphonic scores. Leitmotives
one of the leading music styles on the late 20th century in which materials are reduced to a minimum and procedures simplified so that what is going on in the music is immediately apparent. Often characterized by a constant pulse and many repetitions of simple rhythm, melodic or harmonic patterns. Ex THe tortoise: his dream and journeys 1964 by La monte young 1935 improvisation in which instrumentalists and singers come in an out on various harmonics over a fundamental plates as a drone by a synthesizer.
Steve Reich
1936 quasi canonic procedure which musicians play the same material out of phase with each other. Piano Phase 1967
Philip Glass
1937 rhythmic organization of indian music. 1 act 4 ½ hour opera einstein on the beach 1976 avoid narrative, has no sung text other than solfege syllables, non sensical stage action. - repeated figures Satyagraha 1980 gandhi and akhnaten multiplater ostinato
John adams
1947 minimalism to persona style that blends minimalist techiqneu with other approaches Phrygian gates 1977 for piano middle action of shifting sustain chords this 23 minute piec relies on almost entirely quick repetitive functions primarily in diatonic modes. Nixon in China 1987 short driving pulsating ideas ex On the transmigration of souls 2002 seopt 11th
Ellen Taaffe Zwilich fist women to win a pulitzer prize in music - accessible modernism symphony no 1 1982
Avro Part
1935 simple materials, neoclassical and serial works tintinnabuli - bell like sonorities counterpoint between a pitch centered seven magnificat antiphones 1988
Post Trend
in the late 20th century that blurs the boundaries between high and popular art and in which style of all epochs and cultures are equally available for creating music .
termed coined by alfred schnittke for a combination of newer and older musical srtles created through quotation or stylistic allusion ex Alfred Schnittke 1934-1998 symphon no 1 1969 incropoates strauss, beethoven chopin etc.
John Corigliano opera THe ghosts of Versailes 1987 baroque to claisscal to avant garde. Modern seril music and timbral effects but based on mozart operas
Peter Schickele 1935 5 string quartets 1983-93 tonal variety of staples stravinsky to jazz and rock.
Neo romanticism
a trend in the late 20th century in which composers adopted the familiar tonal idiom of the 19th century romantic usci and incorporated its sounds and gestures. Ex Krzysztof Penderecki opera Paradies lost 1975 ex DAvid Del terdici 1937 set a=excepts of lewis carrols alice adventures in wonderland aka final alice 1975 soprano and orchestr and fold group- banjo