CHAPTER 4 Song and dance music in the middle ages Flashcards
European Society 800-1300
Medieval music was shaped by political developments, emergence of nations and linguistics, economic growth, social class and support for learning and the arts. People competed for presitiedge by hiring the best singers, instrumentalist and composers Economic growth increase food supplies water powered mills and windmills Increase population in cities- “guilds” for artisans to protest interest by regulating production, pricing and apprenticeship.
latin, normally sacred and sometimes attached to the liturgy, poetry rhymed - monophonic versus appeared in the 11th century
12th century song that was performed while a liturgical book was carried into the place for a reading or a celebrant. EVENTUALLY meant any serious latinsong with a rhymed, rhythmical text on any subject sacred and secular
Goliard songs
latin songs 10-13th century wandering students and clerics are goliards , topics vary from religious to moral themes and pleasures
VERNacular song- almost no music from rural areas
EPICS- vernacular poem, a long heroic narrative ex: chanson de geste (songs of deeds) northern france recounting the deeds of national heroes sung in simple melodic formulas. Song of Roland
Professional singers - bards- poet singers celtic lands sang epics accomp with harp fiddle, etc.
alone or groups, performed tricks, told stories, sung and played instruments
13th century specialized musicians, employed at courts and cities, traveled
Most significant vernacular songs was cultivated in courts and cities under aristocratic sponsorship
12 century poet-composers in southern france language Occitan and north old french. Made money from courts nobles to servants ex Guillaume IX, duke of Aquitaine servant Bernart de Ventadorn wrote ( CAN VEI la lauzeta mover) strophic! New melody each phrase sometimes AAB- not indicated rhythm
Chansonniers manuscript anthologies
songs preserved some missing music, poets not clear, new words, varying melodies LOVE SONGS refrain Fin’amors fine amour courtly love refined man loves married women and she steps out of character to reward faithful lover
Jeu de Robin et de Marion
1284 written by adam de la halle musical play based on pastoral songs rural
( robins m’aime) dance songs with a refrain in 2 phrases whose music is also used for the verse ABaabAB Capital is refrain
german kinghtly poet musicians 14th century Middle high German Minnelieder love songs faithfulness duty strophic AAB Bar form
Bar form of Minnelieder & example
Bar form
Stollen A section, same poetic meter, rhyme scheme and melody
Abgesang b section longer, end with stollen, no rhythmic notation
Crusade songs Walter von der Vogelweide Palastinalied
italian, sacred monophonic songs
Most songs were notated as single melodic lines many accompanied by instruments
14th century instruments
Vielle fiddle 5 strings different sizes Hurdy Gurdy 3 stringed vielle sounded by a rotating wheel and levers, HARPS Psaltery plucking strings attached to a frame -remote ancestor of the harpsichord
Traverse flute -wood ivory no keys
Shawm double reed instrument TRUMPEt straight and no valves
Piper and tabor high whistle fingers with the left hand while the right hand beat a small drum.
Other instruments - bells, bag pipe organ 1100 Portative Organ and Positive organ
most popular social dance in france 12-14th century a circle dance accompanied by a song sun by one or more of the dancer.
medieval dance several sections each played twice wit different endings Open incomplete cadence and closed full cadence
Medieval song
strophic, diatonic, primarily syllabic, moving mostly step wise, octave ranger and clear pitch center, short phrases equal in size, unattainable love