Chapter 5: Heart Pathology Flashcards
inflammation of a vessel
inflammation of the lining membranes of the heart. Due to bacteria or an abnormal immunological response. Vegetation= the mass of bacteria present
inflammation of the muscle layer of the heart wall
inflammation of the pericardial sac around the heart
inflammation of the heart valve
inflammation of the vein
inflammation of many arteries
inflammation of a vein resulting in the formation of blood clots within the vein
Involuntary muscle contraction of the smooth muscle in the wall of a vessel; narrows the vessel
The narrowing of a vessel
Condition of a slow heart rate; less than 60 beats per minute; athletic people
fast heart rate; more than 100 beats/minute while at rest
Embolus and how does it affect the coronary artery
blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot that has broken off from a thrombus and traveled. In a coronary artery= myocardial infarction
a blood clot within a blood vessel; partially or completely blocks the vessel
An area of tissue within an organ or part that undergoes necrosis (death) following the loss of its blood supply
Lack of oxygen because of an obstruction
Lack of oxygen because of an obstruction
An extra sound that might indicate abnormality (not the sound of blood flowing through the heart)
Orthostatic Hypotension:
Sudden drop in blood pressure when someone stands up suddenly
Pounding, racing heartbeats
Yellow, fatty deposit of lipids in an artery=atherosclerosis. -atheroma:
Plaque that narrows the lumen of the artery
To flow backward; backflow of blood through a valve
Angina Pectoris
Condition in which there is severe pain with a sensation of constriction around the heart. Caused by a deficiency of oxygen to the heart muscle
Irregular heartbeat or action (life-threatening or not)
Fibrillation. What happens in the ventricles and what do you use as equipment?
Serious arrhythmia by an abnormal quivering or contraction of heart fibers.,
In the ventricles= cardiac arrest and death
Defilibrator= emergency equipment
an arrhythmia in which the atria beat too rapidly, but in a regular pattern
Blue Bundle Branch Block BBB and what is it also known as?
Electrical impulse is blocked when travelling down the bundle of His or bundle branches. =Ventricles beat at different times then the atria
Heart block
What is a cardiac arrest?
Complete stop of heart activity
enlargement of heart
Cardiomyopathy, what is it caused by and what treatment does it need?
Disease of the myocardium
Caused by alcohol abuse, parasites, viral infection, and congestive heart failure= require a heart transplant
Congenital Septal Defect (CSD) and what are the two types?
Hole in the septum between the two heart chambers= mixture of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
Atrial septal defect (ASD) & Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and what are the symptoms?
Reduced outflow of blood from the left side of the heart due to weak myocardium fo the left ventircle= cannot efficiently pump blood
Weakness, breathlessness, and edema
Coronary Artery Disease, what is it caused by and what does it cause?
Insufficient blood supply to the heart
Caused by atherosclerosis and may cause angina pectoris and myocardial infarction
Heart Valve prolapse and what valve is it usually in?
Condition in which the valves are too loose and unable to shut tightly resulting in backflow of the blood during contraction.
Usually in the mitral valve
Heart valve stenosis
Cusps and valves are stiff so they are unable to open fully= difficulty in blood flow or shut tightly, blood flow is backward
Affects any of the valves
Myocardial Infarction, symptoms and what is it known as and what can it lead to?
Condition caused by the partial or complete obstruction or closing of the coronary arteries
Squeezing pain or heavy pressure in the middle of the chest (angina pectoris)
Heart attack = death
Aneurysm and where does it affect?
Weakness in the wall of the artery= localized widening
Aorta in the abdomen and cerebral arteries in the brain
Ruptured artery; aneurysm
Thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of the walls of the arteries.
Caused by the formation of yellowish plaques of cholesterol in the walls of the arteries
Coarctation of the Aorta
Severe congenital narrowing of the aorta
Varicose veins in the anal region
Varicose Veins
Swollen and twisted veins usually in the legs
Hypertension and what are the two types and describe them>
Blood pressure above the normal range
Essential or primary hypertension: directly from cvd
Secondary hypertension: high blood pressure from another disease
Hypotension and when does it occur?
Decrease in bp.
Occur in shock, infection, cancer, anemia or as death approaches
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) and what are the treatments
Pulmonary artery and aorta connection fails to close at birth
Medication and sometimes surgery
Peripheral Vascular Disease and what are the symptoms
Abnormal condition affecting blood vessels outside the heart
Symptoms: pain, pallor numbness, and loss of circulation and pulses
Raynaud’s Phenomenon:
Arterial constriction caused by extreme cold or emotional stress that results in periodic ischemic attacks affecting the extremities of the body (fingers, toes, ears and nose), they become cyanotic and very painful
Tetralogy of Falot
Combination of four congenital anomalies: pulmonary stenosis, an interventricular septal defect, improper placement of the aorta, and hypertrophy of theh right ventricle.
Need immediate surgery