Chapter 18 Lecture Flashcards
a form of kicking where an object is dropped from the individual’s hands before impact with the foot
Newell’s model of constraints:
- individual constraints (structural, functional)
- task constraints
- environmental constraints
Main assumption of ecological approach:
motor skills, movement form, performance outcomes are results of dynamic interaction between 3 constraints
ecological task analysis
4 steps of the ETA:
- establish task goal
- structure the environment to allow for choice in movement
- manipulate/establish boundaries
- instructional strategies
Fundamental differences between the ecological and developmental approach:
not as focused on normalized motor skills
Following the ecological approach - tasks are categorized by ____ and _____ (_____ _____ categories), not specific ____ ____.
- function
- intention
- functional task categories
- motor skills
What are the functional/general task categories?
- locomotion (on land and in water)
- object manipulation
- object propulsion
- object reception
- postural maintenance and orientation
Step 1: 3 components of the task goal:
- functional task category
- task condition
- task criteria
Task condition:
specific characteristics that influence the form of a task
Task criteria:
how performance of a particular task is assessed (can either be qualitative or quantitative)
Example: students will propel (…) at object at a target (…) and hit the target 8 times in a row (…).
- functional task category
- condition
- criteria
Example: propel a baseball (…) from first to third base (…) before runner reaches third base (…).
- functional task category
- condition
- criteria
Example: move (…) from one end of the gym to another (…) before being tagged by the person that is chasing you (….).
- functional task category
- condition
- criteria
Step 2: once the ___ ___ has been established, structure the environment so that the participant can ____/____ the motor skill and movement form that best suits their ____ _____.
- task goal
- choose/explore
- individual needs
Step 3: instructor manipulates _____ ____ to increase or decrease _____ for the participant.
- relevant variables
- difficulty
Step 3: manipulate only ____ variable at a time.
Step 3: ____ ____ is not necessary at this point.
direct instruction
Step 3: ____ how the participant ____ ____ on their own.
- observe
- problem solves
Step 4: ____ ____ occurs if necessary.
direct instruction
Step 4: vary level of _____.
intrusion (least to most)
Step 4: types of instruction include:
- verbal
- visual
- passive movement (physical manipulation)
ETA in adapted PA: tasks are categorized by ____ and ____, not ____ ____ ____.
- function
- intention
- specific motor skill
ETA in adapted PA: participant _____ are considered.
ETA in adapted PA: emphasizes participant _____ and _____.
- choice
- empowerment
ETA in adapted PA: the goal is not ______ (…).
- normalization
- not as concerned with the particular motor skills or movement patterns that are used to achieve this goal
ETA in adapted PA: all activity patterns are done with…
the same functional task goal in mind
ETA in adapted PA: tries to maximize _____, not trying to promote ____ ____ ____.
- participation
- equal skill level