Chapter 11: Axial Musculature Flashcards
Occipitofrontalis (muscles in the head)
- Occipital belly
- Frontal belly
- Origin (frontal bone)
- Insertion (Epicranial aponeurosis (galea aponeurotica)
-Action (retract scalp, wrinkles forehead, raise eyebrows
-Innervation (facial N. (CN VII)
Levator Palpebrae
Superioris, Orbicularis Oculi, Buccinator,
Orbicularis Oris (Other muscles in the head)
- Origin (lesser wing of sphenoid)
- Insertion (Tarsal plate of superior eyelid)
-Oculomotor n. (CN III)
Orbicularis Oculi (muscles in the head)
- Around eye/eyelid
-Origin (medial wall of orbit)
-Insertion (skin surrounding eyelids)
-Action (clint eastwood muscle)
-Facial n. (CN VII)
-Trumpeter muscle
-Origin : alveolar process of mandible & maxilla
- Insertion: orbicularis oris
- Action: compresses cheek (important in sucking)
Temporalis (Muscle in the head)
- Lateral side of the skull
-Origin: temporal lines
-Insertion: coronoid process of mandible
-Action: Elevates & retracts mandible
Masseter (Muscle in the head)
- Origin: Zygomatic arch
-Insertion: coronoid process, lateral surface & angle of the mandible
-Action: elevates & protracts mandible (prime mover of jaw elevation)
Sternocleidomastoid (Muscles of the Neck & Back)
-Anterior/lateral neck
- Origin: manubrium & sternal end of clavicle
- Insertion: Mastoid process
-Action: Neck flexion, rotation
-CN XI (Accessory nerve)
Pharyngeal muscles (Muscles of the Neck & Back)
-Used for swallowing
- Pharyngeal constrictors
- Levator veli palatini
-Tensor veli palatini (both lift soft palate)
Suprahyoid muscles (Muscles of the Neck & Back)
- Form floor of mouth
- Elevate hyoid during swallowing
-Includes the Geniohyoid
-Includes the Mylohyoid - Includes the Digastric (opens mouth too)
Infrahyoid muscles (Muscles of the Neck & Back)
- Includes the sternothyroid
-The sternothyroid
-The thyrohyoid
-Move hyoid/larynx (late stage swallowing)
Erector Spinae (Muscles of the Neck & Back)
-Includes Iliocostalis, Longissimus,
- Origin: Posterior part of iliac crest, posterior sacrum, lumbar spinous processes
-Insertion: Angles of ribs, transverse & spinous processes of cervical & thoracic vertebrae
- Extends neck & vertebral column
What are the actions of the muscles of the Abdominal Wall
-Holds abdominal organs in place
-Compress abdomen
-Flex/stabilize vertebral column
What are the different types of Muscles of the Abdominal Wall
- Rectus Abdominus
- Rectus Sheath
- Linea Alba
- External Abdominal
Oblique - Internal Abdominal
Oblique - Transversus
Rectus Abdominus
- Parallel fibered
-Tendinous intersections
-Origin: Pubic tubercle - Insertion: Xiphiod process of sternum, Ribs 5-7
Rectus Sheath
-Insertions of abdominal obliques/transversus abdominus
- Linea alba
(midline, bloodless plane)
External Abdominal
- Most superficial
- Fibers run inferomedially (“hands in pockets”)
-Origin: inferior border of inferior 8 ribs
-Insertion: linea alba & iliac crest
Internal Abdominal
-Middle layer
-Fibers run dorsomedially (“reverse hands in pockets”)
-Origin: Lumbar fascia, inguinal ligament, iliac crest
-Insertion: Linea alba, inferior ribs
-Deepest layer
-Fibers run lateral to medial
-Origin: Iliac crest, lumbar fascia, inguinal ligament
- Insertion: linea alba, pubic crest
Inguinal Ligament and Inguinal Canal
-Ligaments runs from the ASIS to the public tubercle
-Canal formed by the descent of the gonads during development (ovaries & testes)
- Oblique tunnel: superficial & deep inguinal rings don’t overlap
Contents of Inguinal Canal
- Blood vessels, lymphatic ducts & nerves in both sexes
-Females: round ligament of the uterus
-Males - spermatic cord
Inguinal Hernia
- Direct inguinal herination pushes out at the superficial ring
- Indirect inguinal herination follows the path of canal
Pelvic Diaphragm (Muscles of the Pelvic Floor)
-Series of muscles (levator ani, cocygeus)
-Support pelvic viscera
Perineum: General (Muscles of the Pelvic Floor)
-Diamond shaped region-Inferior to pelvic diaphragm
(-Pubic symphysis
-Ischial tuberosities
-Contains sub regions
(-Urogential triangle
-Vagina (females)
-Base of penis (males)
-Anal triangle (posterior, anus)