largest artery in the body
apex of the heart
lower tip of the heart
small artery
largest type of blood vessel; carries blood away from the heart to all parts of the body; notice that artery and away begin with an a- therefore, all arteries carry blood away from heart
atrioventricular bundle (bundle of HIS)
specialized muscle fibers connecting the atria with the ventricles and transmitting electrical impulses between them; his is pronounced “hiss” for the sound it makes
atrioventricular node AV Node
specialized tissue in the wall between the atria; electrical impulses pass from the pacemaker (SA node) through the AV node and the atrioventricular bundle or bundle of His towards the ventricles
one of two upper chambers of the heart
plural; atrium
smallest type of blood vessel; materials pass to and from the bloodstream through the thin capillary walls
carbon dioxide (C02)
gas (waste) released by the body cells, transported via veins to the heart, and then to the lungs for exhalation
carotid arteries
two common carotid arteries located on each side of the neck branch from the aorta and provide blood to the head, neck and brain. the word carotid comes from a greek word meaning stupor because pressure on these arteries produces unconsciousness
coronary arteries
blood vessels that branch from the aorta and carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle
deoxygenated blood
blood that is oxygen poor
relaxation phase of the heartbeat; from greek diastole, which means dilation
record of the electrical activity of the heart; the electricity is represented by waves or deflections called P, QRS, T
inner lining of the heart
innermost lining of blood vessels
mitral valve
valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle; bicuspid valve
abnormal swishing sound caused by improper closure of the heart valves
muscular middle layer of the heart
normal sinus rhythm
heart rhythm originating in the sinoatrial node with a rate in patients at rest of 60 to 100 beats per minute
gas that enters the blood through the lungs and travels to the heart to be pumped via arteries to all body cells
pacemaker (sinoatrial node SA node)
specialized nervous tissue in the right atrium that begins the heartbeat. an artificial cardiac pacemaker is an electrical apparatus implanted in the chest to stimulate heart muscle that is weak and not functioning
double layered membrane surrounding the heart
pulmonary artery
artery that carries oxygen poor blood from the heart to the lungs- the only artery in the body that carries oxygen deficient blood
pulmonary valve
valve positioned between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery
pulmonary vein
one of two pairs of vessels carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart - the only vein that carries oxygen rich blood
pulmonary circulation
flow of blood from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart
beat of the heart as felt through the walls of the arteries
partition or wall dividing a cavity; such as between the right and left atria (interatrial septum) and right and left ventricles (interventricular septum)
sinoatrial node SA node
pacemaker of the heart
instrument to measure blood pressure
systemic circulation
flow of blood from body tissue to the heart and then from the heart back to body tissues
contraction phase of the heartbeat; from greek systole, meaning contraction
tricuspid valve
located between the right atrium and the right ventricle; it has three leaflets, or cusps
structure in the veins or in the heart that temporarily closes an opening so that blood flows in only one direction
thin-walled vessel that carries blood from body tissues and lungs back to the heart; veins contain valves to prevent blood from flowing backwards
vena cava
largest vein in the body; the superior and inferior venae cavae return blood to the right atrium of the heart
one of two lower chambers of the heart
small vein
plural; septum
venae cavae
plural; vena cava
record of blood vessels
medical repair of blood vessels
aortic stenosis
narrowing of the aortic valve opening
hardening of an artery with fatty plaque
arterial anastomosis
new surgical connection between two arteries
xray record of arteries with contrast
surgical removal of plaque from the inner layer of an artery
mass of fatty plaque in artery; artheromas are collections of plaque that protrude into the lumen (opening) of an artery, weakening the muscle lining
the major form of arteriosclerosis in which deposits of yellow plaque (atheromas) containing cholesterol and lipids are found within the lining of the artery
removal of plaque in arteries
pertaining to the upper chamber of the heart
pertaining to the atrioventricular (bundle, node or block)
brachial artery
artery that carries blood to the arm
enlargement of the heart
disease of the heart muscle
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
a type of myopathy with abnormal thickening of the heart muscle, usually in the left ventricle. the ventricle has to work harder to pump blood. the condition may be inherited or develop over time because of high blood pressure or aging. often the cause is unknown (idiopathic)
slow heartbeat, slower than 60 bpm. brady means slow
fast beatbeat greater than 100 bpm. tachy means fast
supraventricular tachycardia (SVT)
involves rapid beats coming from the atria (above the ventricles) and causing palpitation (abnormal sensations in the chest)
cardiogenic shock
circulatory failure due to poor heart health- results from failure of the heart in its pumping action
circulatory failure associated with inadequate delivery of oxygen and nutrients to body tissues
high levels of cholesterol in the blood
drugs that work by blocking a key enzyme in the production of cholesterol by the liver
coronary arteries
branches of the aorta that bring oxygenated blood to the heart. these arteries come down over the top of the heart like a crown; thus coron/crown coronation is to crown a king
abnormal condition of blue skin due to diminished oxygen content of the blood
benign tumor in connective tissue of the heart muscle; cells are embedded in the soft mucoid stromal tissue; these rare tumors most frequently occur in the left atrium
deficient oxygen; inadequate oxygen in tissues
an extreme state of hypoxia where no oxygen may be present in the blood
removal of excess fluid from the pericardial space
incision of a vein for removal of blood. a phlebotomist is trained in opening veins for phlebotomy.
inflammation of a vein associated with a clot. often shorted to phlebitis. if the affected vein is deep within a muscle, the condition is deep vein thrombosis DVT
irregular/abnormal heartbeat (a/rhythm- without rhythm)
also used to describe an abnormal heart rhythm- one R is dropped
sphygmomanometer sfig-mom-an-o-meter
instrument to measure blood pressure
instrument for listening to sounds in the chest. it is a misnomer because the examination is done by ear, not by eye.
listening to sounds within the body, typically with a stethoscope
destruction or breakdown of a clot
surgical repair of a valve; a balloon-tipped catheter dilates a cardiac valve
mitral valvulitis
inflammation of the mitral valve; commonly associated with rheumatic fever, an inflammatory disease caused by inadequate treatment of a streptococcal infection. an autoimmune reaction occurs, leading to inflammation and damage to the heart valves
incision of a valve
narrowing of a blood vessel
to tighten or narrow
widening of a blood vessel
pertaining to blood vessels
pertaining to a vein
venous cutdown
a small surgical incision to permit access to a collapsed vein
intravenous infusion (IV)
delivery of fluids into a vein
incision of a vein to remove blood- this is performed for phlebotomy or to start an intravenous infusion
interventricular septum
wall between the ventricles of the heart