Brain Stem Flashcards
What part of the brain stem controls the cardiovascular system
Medulla oblongata
What part of the brainstem controls respiration
Medulla oblongata
What part of the brainstem controls pain sensitivity
What part of the brainstem controls alertness, awareness and conciousness
What is main the sensory ascending pathway in the brainstem
Spinothalamic tract
What cranial nerves emerge from the spinal cord
What types of haemorrhage can occur and the causes
Hematoma- collection or pool of blood in the brain stem- causes anatomical changes so it can’t function properly
Caused by trauma or damage to the blood vessels
What is the difference between central and peripheral vestibular disease
Central means lesion is within cerebellum or brainstem
Peripheral means lesion is in vestibular components (inner ear)
What is an ischaemia
A condition in which blood flow is restricted to brain, only shows temporary symptoms
Where does brainstem originate from embryonicqllh
What is the grey matter of the brainstem
found in clumps and clusters throughout the brainstem
What is the white matter of the brainstem,
consists of fibre tracts (axons of
neuronal cells) passing down from the cerebral
How does the proportion of the brain stem of the brain compare between species
Birds, reptiles and fish have a bigger brain stem compared to mammals proportionally
What is the function of the midbrain
Vision, hearing, motor control, sleep/wake, arousal (alertness), and temperature regulation.
Partial or total obstruction of the cerebral aqueduct in the mesencephalon during development can lead to what?
Increased pressure in the skull
Caused by an accumulation of CSF in the brain
What does the Superior colliculus control
control of eye movements particularly the frequency and latency of saccadic movements
What does the red nucleus do
a motor nucleus that sends a descending tract to the lower motor neurons.
What does the Crus cerebri do
Large ventral bundle of efferent fibres
How is the midbrain developed during neural development
from the second vesicle, of the neural tube
What is the function of the pons
Arousal, Controlling Autonomic Functions, Relaying Sensory Information between the Cerebrum and Cerebellum, a sleep centre – dreams
What is the Pontine reticular formation
a region in the pons that is involved in regulating the sleep- wake cycle and filtering incoming stimuli to discriminate irrelevant background stimuli.
What does the prosencephalon develop into
Telencephalon (cerebru,)
Diencephalon (hypothalamus and thalamus)
What does the rhombencephalon develop into
Metacephalon- pons and cerebellum
Myencephalon- medulla oblongata
What are the 3 internal lamellae of the brainstem
tectum, tegmentum, and crus cerebri
What is in the tegmentum of the brainstem
CN 3, 4 and 5
Red nucleus
What is in the tectum?
Superior and inferior colliculi- two pairs of relay nuclei
What changes between the brainstem and the spinal cord
Medulla connects the brain to the spinal cord. Brainstem has cranial nerve nuclei. Spinal cord has continuous sympathetic chain ganglia.
What happens to somatic sensory neurones that carry proprioception or touch information when they reach the brainstem
information synapse at the gracile and cuneate nuclei, axons from secondary neurons decussate at the level of the medulla and travel up the brainstem as the medial lemniscus on the contralateral (opposite) side.