Biology Chapter 7: Circulatory System (2 Stars) Flashcards
The cardiovascular system consists of a muscular ____ chambered heart, blood vessels, and blood.
The heart is composed of cardiac muscle and supports two different circulations: the pulmonary circulation and the _____ circulation.
Each side of the heart consists of an _____ and a ventricle.

The atria are separated from the ventricles by the atrioventricular ____ (tricuspid on the right, mitral [bicuspid] on the left).

The ventricles are separated from the vasculature by the _____ valves (pulmonary on the right, aortic on the left).
The____ side of the heart contains more muscle than the right side because the systemic circulation has a much higher resistance and pressure.

Electrical conduction of the heart starts at the sinoatrial (SA) node and then goes to the atrioventricular (AV) node. From the AV node, electrical conduction goes to the _____ before traveling through the Purkinje fibers.
bundle of His

_____ refers to the period during ventricular contraction when the AV valves are closed.
During diastole, the heart is relaxed and the semilunar valves are closed.

The cardiac output is the product of heart rate and _______
stroke volume.

The sympathetic nervous system _____ the heart rate and contractility. The parasympathetic nervous system _____ heart rate.
The ______ consists of arteries, veins, and capillaries.
_____are thick, highly muscular structures with an elastic quality. This allows for recoil and helps to propel blood forward within the system.
Small muscular arteries are arterioles, which control flow into capillary beds.

_____ have walls that are one cell thick, making them so narrow that red blood cells must travel through them in single-file lines.
Capillaries are the sites of gas and solute exchange.
Veins are _____ thin-walled structures that transport blood to the heart. .
A ______ is one in which blood passes through two capillary beds in series.
A portal system
In the _____ portal system, blood travels from the gut capillary beds to the liver capillary bed via the hepatic portal vein.
In the _____ portal system, blood travels from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary.
In the renal portal system, blood travels from the glomerulus to the ______ through an efferent arteriole.
vasa recta
Blood is composed of cells and ____, an aqueous mixture of nutrients, salts, respiratory gases, hormones, and blood proteins.

Erythrocytes (red blood cells) lack ______, a nucleus, and organelles in order to make room for hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen. Common measurements include hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit, the percent of blood composed of erythrocytes.
Leukocytes (white blood cells) are formed in the ______ They are a crucial part of the immune system.
bone marrow.
______ such as neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils play a role in nonspecific immunity.
Granular leukocytes

______, including lymphocytes and monocytes, also play a role in immunity, with lymphocytes playing a large role in specific immunity.

______ (platelets) are cell fragments from megakaryocytes that are required for coagulation.
Thrombocytes (platelets)

Blood antigens include the surface antigens A, ___, and O, as well as Rh factor (D).

The IA (A) and IB (B) alleles are _______, while the i (O allele is recessive. An individual has antibodies for any ABO alleles he or she does not have.

______ factor is dominant. An Rh-negative individual will only create anti-Rh antibodies after exposure to Rh-positive blood.
Positive Rh
_______ refers to the force per unit area that is exerted on the walls of blood vessels by blood. It is divided into systolic and diastolic components.
Blood pressure
Blood pressure must be ____ enough to overcome the resistance created by arterioles and capillaries, but low enough to avoid damaging the vasculature and surrounding structures.
BP can be measured with a _______
The blood pressure is maintained by ________. Low blood pressure promotes aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone (ADH or vasopressin) release. High blood osmolarity also promotes ADH release. High blood pressure promotes atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) release.
baroreceptor and chemoreceptor reflexes.

Gas and solute exchange occurs at the level of the _____ and relies on the existence of concentration gradients to facilitate diffusion across the ______ walls.
Capillaries are also leaky, which aids in transport of gases and solutes.
_____ pressure is the pressure of the fluid within the blood vessel, while osmotic pressure is the “sucking” pressure drawing water toward solutes. ______ pressure is osmotic pressure due to proteins.
Hydrostatic pressure forces fluid out at the arteriolar end of a capillary bed; oncotic pressure draws it back in at the venule end.
Oxygen is carried by ______, which exhibits cooperative binding. In the lungs, there is a high partial pressure of oxygen, resulting in loading of oxygen onto hemoglobin. In the tissues, there is a low partial pressure of oxygen, resulting in unloading. With cooperative binding, each successive oxygen bound to hemoglobin increases the affinity of the other subunits, while each successive oxygen released decreases the affinity of the other subunits.
Carbon dioxide is largely carried in the blood in the form of ______, or bicarbonate and hydrogen ions. Carbon dioxide is nonpolar and not particularly soluble, while bicarbonate, hydrogen ions, and carbonic acid are polar and highly soluble.
carbonic acid
A high PaCO2, high H+ , low pH, high temperature, and high concentration of 2,3-BPG can cause a ____ shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, reflecting a decreased affinity for oxygen.

In addition to the opposites of the causes of a right shift, a left shift can also be seen in ____ hemoglobin compared to adult hemoglobin.
Nutrients, wastes, and hormones are carried in the bloodstream to tissues for ______
use or disposal.
______ results from an activation cascade.
When the endothelial lining of a blood vessel is damaged, the collagen and tissue factor underlying the endothelial cells are exposed. This results in a cascade of events known as the _______ ultimately resulting in the formation of a clot over the damaged area.
coagulation cascade,
Platelets bind to the collagen and are stabilized by ____ , which is activated by thrombin.
Clots can be broken down by ____
_____ are able to stretch in order to accommodate large volumes of blood but do not have recoil capability
Veins are compressed by surrounding skeletal muscles and have valves to maintain one-way flow. Small veins are called ______
_____ pressure forces fluid out at the arteriolar end of a capillary bed; _____ pressure draws it back in at the venule end.

The ____ side of the heart accepts deoxygenated blood returning from the body and moves it to the lungs by way of the pulmonary arteries; this constitutes the first pump (pulmonary circulation).
right atrium (tricuspid valve) right ventricle (pulmonary valve) pulmonary artery → ____→ pulmonary veins → left atrium (mitral valve) left ventricle aortic (valve aorta) → arteries → arterioles → capillaries → venules → veins → venae cavae → right atrium

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