Autonomic Nervous System Neuropharmacology Flashcards
What kind of drug is Doxazosin?
Alpha-1 receptor antagonist
Antimuscarinic drugs are also called ___________.
What does the protein CHT do?
Choline transporter – it pumps choline into the presynaptic terminal to be made into acetylcholine
What is the rate-limiting step in acetylcholine synthesis?
Presynaptic uptake of choline by CHT
CHT is inhibited by ____________.
VAT (vesicle-associated transporter) is inhibited by ___________.
What is bethanecol’s bioavailability?
Not good; because it is a similar compound to acetylcholine, it has a permanent charge
Nicotine does what to the sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways?
It stimulates them, leading to a mixture of effects: for instance, GI motility can be increased (due to PNS stimulation), while at the same time arousal can result as an effect of stimulating the SNS.
There are three main categories of choline esterase inhibitors: reversible, short-acting; reversible, long-acting; and irreversible, long-acting. List some from each category.
RSA: edrophonium
RLA: neostigmine, phyostigmine
ILA: isofluorophate (a nerve gas)
What is the main pharmacokinetic difference between neostigmine and phyostigmine?
Phyostigmine is more lipid-soluble and thus has better distribution throughout the body.
Atropine has a high specificity for ____________ receptors.
Describe the pharmacokinetic distinction between tertiary and quaternary antimuscarinics.
Tertiary compounds can penetrate into the CNS, while quaternary compounds cannot
Blocking the ganglionic receptors (nicotinic acetylcholine) leads to differing effects based on which branch of the autonomic nervous system has greater control over the tone of the organ in question. Describe two main differences.
The SNS controls vascular tone, so inhibiting the SNS ganglia leads to vasodilation. The PNS controls the tone of most other organs, so inhibiting PNS ganglia leads to SNS-like stimulation in the gut, for example.
Ganglion blockers are _____________ available.
no longer clinically
What is DOPA?
Dihydroxyphenylalanine –precursor of both dopamine and norepinephrine