Auditory Apparatus Flashcards
What is the External Ear composed of?
Composed of the shell-like auricle (pinna) that collects sound and the external acoustic meatus which conducts sound to the tympanic membrane.
What is the auricle composed of?
Composed of an irregularly shaped plate of elastic cartilage covered by thin skin.
Concha of auricle:
o Deepest depression
o Elevated margin of the auricle
o Consists of fibrous tissue, fat and blood vessels
o Tongue like projection overlapping the opening of the external acoustic meatus
Arterial supply of the auricle:
o Posterior auricular and superficial temporal aa.
Innervation of the auricle: (3)
o Great auricular nerve supplies
- Back of the ear
- Posterior aspect of the front of the ear
o Auriculotemporal nerve (from mandibular n. (CN V3))
- Anterior aspect of the front of the ear
o Auricular br. of vagus nerve (with contribution from facial n.)
- Skin of the concha
External acoustic meatus: (2)
- Ear canal leading inward through the tympanic part of the temporal bone from the auricle to the tympanic membrane
- 2-3 cm in adults
External acoustic meatus:
* Lateral third: (3)
o Slightly S-shaped and cartilaginous
o Lined with skin that is continuous with the auricular skin
o Ceruminous and sebaceous glands in the subcutaneous tissue produce cerumen (ear wax)
External acoustic meatus:
* Medial 2 thirds:
o Bony and lined with thin skin that is continuous with the external layer of the tympanic membrane
External acoustic meatus:
* Innervated by…
- Innervated by auriculotemporal n. (superior & anterior walls) and vagus n. (posterior & inferior walls)
What is the Tympanic Membrane? (4)
- Approximately 1cm in diameter
- Thin, oval, semitransparent membrane at the medial end of the external acoustic meatus
- Forms a partition between the external acoustic meatus and the tympanic cavity of the middle ear
- Covered with skin externally and mucosa of the middle ear internally
Tympanic Membrane
* Umbo-
- Umbo- peak of central depression
Tympanic Membrane
* Pars flaccida-
- Pars flaccida- thin membrane superior to lateral process of malleus
Tympanic Membrane
* Pars tensa-
- Pars tensa- remainder of the membrane
Tympanic Membrane
* Innervation: (3)
o Auriculotemporal n. (external supero-anterior 2 thirds)
o Auricular branch of vagus n. (external postero-inferior
o Glossopharyngeal n. (internal surface)
What is the middle ear (Tympanic Cavity)?
- Narrow air-filled chamber in the petrous part of the temporal bone
Middle Ear
Tympanic Cavity:
* Has 2 parts:
o Tympanic cavity proper- space directly internal to the tympanic membrane
o Epitympanic recess- space superior to the tympanic membrane
Middle Ear
Tympanic Cavity:
* Communications: (2)
o Anteromedially- nasopharynx by the pharyngotympanic tube (Eustachian tube)
o Posterosuperiorly- mastoid cells through the mastoid antrum
What is the middle ear lined with?
- Lined with mucosa that is continuous with the pharyngotympanic tube, mastoid cells and mastoid antrum
- Walls of the tympanic cavity:
1. Tegmental wall (roof):
o Thin plate of bone (tegmen tympani) separating tympanic cavity from middle cranial fossa
- Walls of the tympanic cavity:
2. Jugular wall (floor)
o Bone separating tympanic cavity from superior bulb of jugular vein
- Walls of the tympanic cavity:
3. Membranous wall (lateral)
o Convex tympanic membrane with bony wall of epitympanic recess superiorly
- Walls of the tympanic cavity:
4. Labyrinthine wall (medial): (2)
o Promontory of labyrinthine wall formed by initial part of cochlea
o Has oval and round windows
- Walls of the tympanic cavity:
5. Mastoid wall (posterior): (2)
o Has aditus to mastoid antrum connecting it to the mastoid cells
o Canal for facial nerve descends between the posterior wall and the antrum medial to the aditus
- Walls of the tympanic cavity:
6. Carotid wall (anterior): (2)
o Separates tympanic cavity from carotid canal
o Superiorly- opening for pharyngotympanic tube and canal for the tensor tympani
What is the Mastoid antrum? (4)
o Cavity in the mastoid process of the temporal bone
o Separated from the middle cranial fossa by tegmen tympani
o Common cavity into which the mastoid air cells open
o Lined by mucosa
Contents of the middle ear: (4)
o Auditory ossicles
o Stapedius and tensor tympani muscles
o Chorda tympani (branch of facial nerve)
o Tympanic nerve plexus
What is the Pharyngotympanic Tube? (4)
- Connects the tympanic cavity to the
nasopharynx - Opens posterior to the inferior nasal meatus
- Posterolateral third is bony and the rest is
cartilaginous - Lined by mucosa that is continuous posteriorly
with the tympanic cavity and anteriorly with the
What is the function of the Pharyngotympanic Tube?
o Equalizes pressure in the middle ear with the atmospheric pressure to allow for free movement of the tympanic membrane
Pharyngotympanic Tube:
- The walls of the _________ part are normally in apposition (the tube is closed)
- The tube is opened by _______ veli palatini and ______ veli palatini
Pharyngotympanic Tube:
* Blood supply: (3)
o Ascending pharyngeal artery from the external carotid artery
o Middle meningeal artery from maxillary artery
o Artery of pterygoid canal from maxillary artery