Antenatal Care Flashcards
When does the booking appointment take place?
8-12 weeks
What happens at the booking appointment?
General information: lifestyle, supplements (vit D + folate), antenatal classes
BMI, urine dip, BP
Bloods and urine tests booked
What tests are booked at the booking scan?
Bloods: FBC Group & Save Rhesus status RBC alloantibodies Haemoglobinopathies Hep B Syphillis HIV is offered
Urine = culture
When is the dating scan?
10-14 weeks
When does screening for Down’s syndrome take place?
11-14 weeks
When are tests/ Down’s syndrome screening results first reviewed?
16 weeks
When is the anomaly scan?
18-21 weeks
When (in weeks) are the extra appointments for primigravidous women?
25, 31, 34, 36, 38, 40
What is the purpose of the extra appointments in primigravidous women?
Checking for pre-eclampsia
Giving mum information about preparing for labour & birth (recognition, coping with pain and discussing birthing plan)
Information about what happens if the pregnancy lasts >41 weeks
When can the pertussis vaccine be offered to pregnant women?
20-32 weeks
When is anti-D prophylaxis given to Rh- pregnant women?
28 & 34 weeks
When is external cephalic version offered to pregnant women with malpresentation?
36 weeks
What happens at the 28 week appointment?
Symphysis-fundal height, BP, urine dip
Second screen for anaemia & atypical RBC alloantibodies
How many visits are recommended by NICE in a primigravidous woman with an uncomplicated pregnancy?
How many visits are recommended by NICE in woman with an uncomplicated pregnancy who has given birth before?
True or false? women with uncomplicated pregnancies need to attend consultant reviews.
Which conditions should pregnant women be offered screening for?
Anaemia Bacteriuria Blood group Rhesus status and anti-red cell antibodies Down's syndrome Fetal anomalies Hepatitis B HIV Neural tube defects Risk factors for pre-eclampsia Rubella immunity Syphilis
Which conditions should pregnant women NOT be offered screening for?
Bacterial vaginosis Chlamydia Cytomegalovirus Fragile X Hepatitis C Group B Strep Toxoplasmosis
What foods should pregnant women avoid to prevent listeriosis?
Unpasteurised milk Ripened soft cheeses Camembert Brie Blue-veined cheeses Pate Undercooked meat
True or false? pregnant women need to avoid cream cheese in pregnancy
What foods should pregnant women avoid to prevent salmonella?
Eggs/ meat that has not been fully cooked
What are the guidelines surrounding air travel during pregnancy?
Singleton pregnancy - do not fly after 37 weeks
Multiple gestation - do not fly after 32 weeks
Wear correctly fitted compression stockings to reduce VTE risk
What is the method of screening for gestational diabetes?
Oral glucose tolerance test
When is screening for gestational diabetes performed?
For anyone who has previously had it: ASAP following booking + at 24-28 weeks if first test is normal
For women with any risk factors: 24-28 weeks