Anatomy of the Hand and Wrist Flashcards
what are the flexor muscles of the forearm?

Red is brachioradialis
Blue is pronator teres and causes pronation – causes elbow joint anteriorly so is also an elbow flexor
Yellow and orange are both flexors of the wrist as cross that joint
Orange is flexor carpi ulnaris
Yellow is flexor carpi radialis
Brachialis is supplied by radial nerve
Rest in forearm is median nerve except yellow which is ulnar nerve

what are the extensor muscles of the forearm?

Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extensor carpi radialis but you have longus and brevis, longus is the yellow one
All common extensor
Supplied by radial nerve
Palmaras longus – don’t really need it
Both these views are superficial
All left are elbow flexors and right extensors as cross the elbow joint

what are the deeper flexors and extensors of the forearm?
Left is on epicondyle and middle is not - Middle does not cross elbow joint
Flexor digitorum superficialis – left picture, fingers for 3 falanges and this muscle attaches on the second/middle, assists flexing every joint it crosses
PIP – proximal interphalangeal joint
Blue is the flexor digitorum profundus, no longer an elbow flexor but its tendors go all the way to the end of the fingers, only muscle to flex the terminal joint sin the fingers
Thumb is different - Thumb only has 2 phalanges
Flexor policis longus is the left blue muscle going to the thumb
Tendons of blue run through a shared space called carpel tunnel
Onto purple on posterior side
Outside is called the extensor digitorum (communis)
Inside is called the extensor digit mininimi (quinti) – goes to 1 finger

what are the posterior extensors and abductors?

Lateral aspect of forearm to the thumb
Thumb sits at a right angle to the fingers
Lifting thumb in air is abduction, pushing thumb out is extension and in over palm is flexion
Extensors of the thumb are the inner blue and red, red is shorted and is brevis and blue is longer and is longus – extensor policis brevis and longus
Big blue is the abductor policis longus
Green is the extensor indicis
Easy to extend pinky and index finger as got individual muscles

what are the different movements of the fingers?
Spreading fingers on bottom left is abduction – pulling second fourth and fifth digit away form the third
Fingers coming together is adduction
Making a fist is flexion and flattening out is extension
Pulling thumb up is abduction and putting it back down is adduction

what are the palmar adductors and the dorsal abductors?
On dorsal surface of the hand but have been drawn from the anterior palmar surface
Deep as all the muscles are lying above them
Only need 3 muscles for adduction – for fingers 2, 4 and 5
For DAB there is now 2 muscles for the middle digit
All supplied by ulnar nerve