Anaemia Flashcards
What is anaemia>
Decreased haemoglobin content and therefore reduced oxygen transport.
Cellular metabolism is reduced.
What are the 4 types of anaemia?
Iron deficient anaemia
Pernicious anaemia
Sickle cell anaemia
Aplastic anaemia
What is iron deficient anaemia?
Low iron levels
Most common type of anaemia
How is iron deficient anaemia diagnosed?
Blood smear tests
What are the causes of iron deficiency anaemia?
Blood loss - GI bleeds, menstruation, peptic ulcers.
Poor diet
Absorption problem eg bowel surgery, colitis.
What are the signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia?
Irritability - hypoxia
SOB on exertion
Degenerative changed to hair
Delayed healing
Menstrual irregularities
What is pernicious anaemia?
Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency affects the body’s ability to produce fully functioning red blood cells.
What does pernicious mean?
Destructive, injurious or deadly
What does pernicious anaemia destroy?
Attack parietal cells
What causes pernicious anaemia?
Possibly genetic
Older people are more susceptible.
What is the treatment for pernicious anaemia?
Vitamin B12 IM injections.
What are the signs and symptoms of pernicious anaemia?
Same as iron deficient + irreversible nerve damage.
What do the red blood cells look like in pernicious anaemia?
Appear large
What is aplastic anaemia?
Where the bone marrow and stem cells do not produce enough blood cells. It is also called bone marrow failure and can happen suddenly (acute) or develop over a period of time (chronic).
What are red bone marrow bones?
Pelvic girdle
What causes aplastic anaemia?
Possibly genetic
Some medications
Exposure to toxins
What is the peak onset for aplastic anaemia?
Early childhood and 20-25 year olds.
What are the signs and symptoms of aplastic anaemia?
Repeated infections
Same as iron deficient anaemia
What is the treatment of aplastic anaemia?
Bone marrow transplant
Blood transfusions
Immunosuppressive therapy
Androgens such as danazol
What is sickle cell disease?
The name for a group of inherited health conditions that affect the red blood cells. The most serious type of this is sickle cell anaemia.
Particularly common in africans and caribbeans
What is sickle cell anaemia?
Abnormal haemoglobin production
When deoxygenated, the haemoglobin crystallises and alters the shape of the erythrocyte - from a disc to a sickle.
What causes sickle cell anaemia?
Inherited conditions
Recessive gene
Sickle cell trait
Sickle cell anaemia
Presents over 6 months old
What are the many complications of sickle cell anaemia?
Short cell lifespan (20days)
Leg ulcers
Acute chest syndrome
What are the signs and symptoms of sickle cell anaemia?
They don’t normally present until after 12 months.
Normally anaemia signs
Vascular occlusion
Occlusion in the lungs
Heart failurre
Frequent infections - reduced healing
What are the treatments for sickle cell anaemia?
Analgesia around the clock
IV fluids
Bed rest
Warm compresses
Remove restriction (tight clothes/jewellery)
Blood transfusion
Folic acid supplements (not iron)
What is a long term treatment of sickle cell anaemia?