78 Subjunctive Sentences with explanations Flashcards
I like what my friends gave me for my birthday.
Me gusta que mis amigos me regalen (SBJ) por mi cumple (IND = regalan)
My sister, going shopping makes her nervous.)
A mí hermana le pone nerviosa ir de compras. —-(que vaya)
INDIC - only one subject
It causes us much sorrow that there is so much hunger in the world.
Nos da mucho pena que haya tanta hambre en el mundo.—–(hay)
2 subjects “us” and hunger
What annoys you/wrecks your head. Queuing annoys me.
Qué te saca de quicio?
Me saca de quicio hacer cola. (que haga)
Only one person involved.
The students don’t like (the fact that) the teachers are strict.
A los estudiantes no les gusta que los profesores (sean) estrictos. —–(son)
My grandmother is happy that I give her flowers.
A mi abuela le pone contenta que yo le regale flores. — (regalo)
When I go to school it annoys me that there is so much homework.
Cuando voy al colegio me saca de quicio que tengo tantos deberes cada dia.
I am pleased that people call me by my nickname.
Me encanta que la gente me llame por mi apodo.
I am afraid that Juan did not pass his exam.
Tengo miedo de que Juan no apruebe (S) el examen. —(aprueba)
I am glad that you are coming with me to the sea.
Me gusta que te vengas conmigo al mar. —-(viene)
I wonder why Raquel is not in class today.
Me extraña que Raquel no esté en la classe hoy. — (está)
We are delighted that they are getting married.
Nos alegramos de que ellos vayan a casarse. — (van)
I hate that people come late.
Odio que la gente no llegue a tiempo. —- (llega)
I I am worried that I have a reduced salary.
Me preocupa tengo un salario reducido. (I)
I am worried that there is such an economic crisis.
Me preocupa que haya tanta crisis económica.
I am afraid that something will happen to him
(“I” is the subject of the first part of the sentence and “something” is the subject of the second part of the sentence. You must use the SUBJUNCTIVE for the second verb.)
Tengo miedo de que le occura algo.
We want him to be happy.
Queremos que el sea feliz.
We want Jose to be happy.
Queremos que José sea feliz.
We want to be happy.
When the subject of both verbs is the same you can use the Indicative.
Queremos ser felices
In sentences containing two verbs with different subjects you will find that the second verb is in the subjunctivewhen the first verb;
- expresses a wish
- expresses an emotion
I want them to come. (Wish)
quiero que vengan
i want him/her to leave. (Wish)
Quiero que se vaya
We want them to be successful. (Wish)
Deseamos que tengan éxito
I’m very sorry that you can’t come. (Emotion)
Lo siento que no puedas venir.
I hope he comes. (Emotion)
Espero que venga.
I am surprised that he is not here. (Emotion)
Me sorprende que no esté aquí. (is this correct? “sorprendo”)
I am pleased that you like them. (Emotion)
Me alegro de que te gusten.
I want to study.
Quiero estudiar.
I want José to study.
Quiero que Jose estudie.
Maite wants to leave.
Maite Quieres irse.
Maite wants me to leave.
Maite quiere que me vaya.
I’m sorry I can’t come.
Siento no poder venir.
I’m sorry that you can’t come.
Siento que no puedas venir.
I am pleased to be able to help.
Me alegro de poder ayudar.
I am pleased you can help.
Me alegro de que puedas ayudar.
Use the subjunctive after verbs expressing doubt, uncertainty and verbs saying what you think about that are used with NO:
Use the subjunctive after verbs expressing doubt
Dudo que tenga tiempo
I doubt I’ll have time.
No creo que venga.
I don’t think she will come.
No pienso que esté bien
I don’t think it’s right.
Have a good time!
SUBJUNCTIVE used after que to express wishes.
Que lo pases bien!
Have fun!
SUBJUNCTIVE used after que to express wishes.
que diviertas!
I need you to do me a favour
Necesito que (tu) me hagas un favor.
I don’t mind you smoking here
No me importa que fumes aquí
Lately I fear that there are witches.
Ultimamente temo que existan/existen las brujas.