29 8th Subjunctive: Explanations and Indicators 5 List Flashcards
I doubt she will eat
Dudo que coma
We need her to eat
Necesitamos que coma
He hopes she will eat
Espera que coma
Juan, did you ask her to eat
Juan, ¿Pediste que coma?
They don’t think she will eat
No piensan que coma
All of you want her to eat
Quieren que coma
Maria prefers that she eats
Maria prefiere que coma
I desire that she eats
Deseo que coma
We insist that she eats
Insistimos en que coma
He likes her to eat
Le gusta que (ella )coma
Pablo tells her to eat
Pablo le dice que coma
They don’t think (believe) she will eat
No creen que coma
Unless she eats
A menos que coma
So that she eats
Para que coma
We hope/I hope that she will eat
Ojalá (que) coma
Without her eating
Sin que coma ????????????????????
Sin ella comiendo ?????????????
Before she eats
Antes que coma
Provided that she eats
Con tal de que coma
It’s important that she eats
Es importante que coma
It’s difficult for her to eat
Es difícil que coma
It’s necessary for her to eat
Es necesario que coma
It’s possible for her to eat
Es posible que coma
Maybe she will eat
Tal vez coma
Not Subjunctive
It’s important to eat
(No change of subject)
It’s important that she eats
change of subject
Phrases That Do Not Trigger the Subjunctive
Pienso que
Creo que
Sé que
sugerir que …
to suggest that …
tan pronto como …
as soon as …
temer que …
to fear that …
tener miedo de que …
to be afraid that …
Instead of trying to memorize such a long list, why not familiarize yourself with a much shorter list of expressions with which the subjunctive is not used?
creer que …
to believe that …
no dudar que …
to not doubt that …
es cierto que …
es claro que …
it is clear that …
es evidente que …
it is certain that …
es obvio que …
it is obvious that
estar seguro que …
to be sure that …
es verdad que …
it is true that …
no cabe duda que …
there’s no doubt that …
no es dudoso que …
it is not doubtful that …
no hay duda que …
there is no doubt that
The subjunctive in Spanish is a mood.
It is not a tense because it has nothing to do with time, rather it conveys a sense of uncertainty or conditionality.
The first trigger is a change in person. This happens with a number of verbs. Take querer: to want. If the verb following querer agrees with the subject of querer, you have not got a subjunctive sentence. If the verb following querer is different to the subject of querer, you’ve got yourself a subjunctive sentence.
For example:
(I want to go to the swimming pool) is not subjunctive. Whereas
“Yo quiero ir a la piscina”
(I want you to go to the swimming pool) is subjunctive.
“Yo quiero que vayas a la piscina”