27 6th Subjunctive: Explanations and Indicators + "ES" Phrases Flashcards
it’s necessary that
Es necesario que +Subj
It’s fair that
es justo que +subj
It is obligatory that
es obligitorio que +subj
as soon as
Get up as early as you can.
tan pronto como + subj
Levántate tan pronto como puedas.
I’ll come as soon as possible.
Vendré tan pronto como sea posible.
Provided that
con tal de que
Any car will do, as long as it runs.
Con tal de que corra, cualquier coche sirve.
I don’t care as long as you are happy.
No me importa, con tal de que seas feliz.
It doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white as long as it catches mice.
No importa de qué color sea el gato, con tal de que cace ratones. (3rd Pers Sing Subj of cazar = to hunt)
From Spanishdict.com
Impersonal expressions work a lot like emotions in that they are someone’s opinion or value judgement. They focus on the subjectivity of the statement and not on the actual truth or reality of the situation.
Almost any phrase with the es + adjective + que can be an impersonal expression as long as it doesn’t state any truth (es verdad que), certainty (es cierto que), or fact (es hecho que). These are indicative. But their opposites (no es verdad que, etc.) are subjunctive.
It is necessary that Jaime reads this book
Es necesario que Jaime lea este libro
It’s odd that I receive a gift because it isn’t my birthday.
Es extraño que reciba un regalo porque no es mi cumpleaños
It is not certain that my brother is coming.
No es cierto que mi hermano venga
It is probable that we are going to the beach.
Es probable que vayamos a la playa.
it is nice
es agradable que
it is good
es bueno que
it is curious
es curioso
it is doubtful
es dudoso
it is essential
es esencial
it is great
es estupendo
it is strange
es extraño
it is important
es importante
it is incredible
es increíble
it is bad
es malo
it is necessary
es necesario
it is probable
es probable
it is rare
es raro
it is recommended
es recomendable
it is a pity
es una lástima
it is urgent
es urgente
it is a disgrace
es vergonzoso
it is not certain
no es cierto
it is not a fact
no es hecho
it is not true
no es verdad
I doubt that Victoria studies Spanish.
Dudo que Victoria estudie español.
It is possible that Victoria studies Spanish.
Es posible que Victoria estudie español.
It is good that Victoria studies Spanish.
Es bueno que Victoria estudie español.
desear, esperar, exigir, insistir, preferir, querer, pedir, necesitar, etc.
alegrarse, enojar, sentir, encantar, lamentar, sorprender, etc.
Impersonal expressions
es extraño que, es importante que, es fantástico que, etc.
recomendar, sugerir, aconsejar, ordenar, mandar, insistir, etc.
Doubt and Denial
dudar, no creer, no estar seguro, no parecer, no comprender, no pensar, no es cierto que, etc.
Hopefully (I or we hope)
A menos que
So that
Para que
Sin que
Antes que
Provided that
Con tal de que
It’s difficult
Es dificil que
Tal vez
From 123 Teach me
The subjunctive mood is used primarily in dependent clauses.
Of course, the subjunctive mood is used on other occasions as well, depending on the type of clause, the action/state involved, and its relationship to other elements in the sentences such as the governing verb.
Adjectival clauses function as adjectives modifying a noun or pronoun, which is known as the antecedent (antecedente). These clauses are most frequently introduced by the relative pronouns que (which/that/who) quien/quienes (who), el que, la que, los que, los que (which/that/who), or el/la cual, los/las cuales (which/that/who).
If the noun modified is a definite one, then the indicative is used.
Speaking about a specific secretary - (indicative)
Busco a la secretaria que habla español.
I’m looking for the secretary who speaks Spanish.
If the noun or pronoun modified is negated, nonexistent, vague, or indefinite, then the verb in the modifying clause will be in the subjunctive.
Speaking about a non-specific secretary (one which may, or may not exist) - (subjunctive)
Estoy buscando una secretaria que hable español.
I am looking for a secretary who speaks Spanish.
Is there someone here who speaks Spanish?
¿Hay alguien aquí que hable español?
We are looking for a peace that is lasting.
Buscamos una paz que sea duradera.
Do you know anyone who is a soldier?
¿Conoce usted a alguien que sea soldado?