36 15th Subjunctive: "If " Plus Explanations plus Mostly Pluperfect Flashcards
Si clauses indicate possibilities, which may or may not become reality. They refer to the present, past, and future. These conditional sentences have two parts: the condition, or si clause, and the main or result clause which indicates what will happen if the condition of the si clause is met.
The subjunctive mood is used to talk about things that are subjective and/or possible, but not certain. This includes things like doubts, wishes, recommendations, unknowns, and opinions about the likelihood of other events occurring.
The tense of the result clause depends on the tense of the si clause. In other words, the tense of the two clauses follow a prescribed sequence.
It is only the present subjunctive that is not used after si, the past subjunctive is used all the time. … The imperfect subjunctive is used in the “if” clause, and the conditional in the main clause:
Si yo fuera rico compraría un coche.
Note that either the si clause or the result clause may begin a sentence, but the same tenses remain specific to each clause.
Si + Past (Imperfect) Subjunctive
Si + Past (Imperfect) Subjunctive
si + past (imperfect) subjunctive
contrary to current facts
The second type of si clause is contrary to fact in the present. The consequence is thus seen as impossible.
Note that in Spanish, the (IMPERFECT (PAST SUBJUNCTIVE) is used in the si clause, never the conditional.
If there was a problem like that, we could not go
Si hubiera un problema así, no podríamos ir.
Si clause
si + pluperfect subjunctive
contary to past facts
Result clause
Past condicional
This last type of si clause is used for situations that are contrary to past fact. The result clause thus expresses an unrealized past possibility and it is in the past conditional tense.
If I had studied more, I would have got better grades
Si hubiera estudiado más, habria sacado notas mejores.
Si hubiera estudiado (PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE) más, habría obtenido (PAST CONDITIONAL) mejores notas.
If I have time I will go
Si tengo tiempo iré/ voy a ir
If I had had (hubiera tenido (PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE) ) time I would have gone habria ido PAST CONDITIONAL to the park
Si hubiera tenido tiempo habria ido al parque
If I had arrived yesterday I could have gone
would have been able to go
Si hubiera llegado ayer podría haber ido
If there was a problem like that, we could not go
Si hubiera un problema así, no podríamos ir.
FROM Study.com
FROM Study.com
We use conditional statements all the time in our daily lives. How many times have you said ‘If such and such happens, then I will do such and such’? We say this all the time. However, in Spanish, we have to use different verb conjugations and tenses depending on what we are saying in our conditional statement.
In Spanish, the word ‘if’ is si not to be confused with sí (‘yes’). Statements that begin with si indicate a possibility that something will happen in either the past, present or future. Si clauses can be broken down into two primary parts.
1) The si clause.
2) The result - what will happen if the si clause is met.
If I see my friend, I say ‘hello’.
Si veo a mi amigo, le digo ‘hola.’
If you eat too much, you have a stomach ache.
Si comes demasiado, tienes un dolor de estómogo.
If we run fast, we win the race.
Si corremos rápido, ganamos la carrera.
In another type of si clause, we use the IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE tense in the first part of our clause,
and the CONDITIONAL tense in the second clause because these situations seem to be impossible. Before we look at this further, let’s review the endings for the imperfect subjunctive and conditional.
IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE STEM IS = third person plural preterite form minus “-ron” ending
Subject Pronoun -AR Ending -IR/ER Ending
yo -ara -iera
tú -aras -ieras
él/ella/usted -ara -iera
nosotros/as -áramos -iéramos
vosotros/as -arais -íais
ellos/as/ustedes -aran -ieran
Subject Pronoun -AR, -ER -IR Ending
yo -ía
tú -ías
él/ella/usted -ía
nosotros/as -íamos
vosotros/as -íais
ellos/as/ustedes -ían
Infinitive Third Person Imperfect
Preterite Form Subjunctive Stem
caber cupieron cupie-
dar dieron die-
decir dijeron dije
dormir durmieron durmie-
estar estuvieron estuvie-
haber hubieron hubie-
hablar hablaron habla-
hacer hicieron hicie-
ir fueron fue
leer leyeron leye-
tener tuvieron tuvie-
Infinitive Third Person Imperfect
Preterite Form Subjunctive Stem
poner pusieron pusie-
preferir prefirieron prefirie
querer quisieron quisie-
saber supieron supie-
sentir sintieron sintie-
ser fueron fue-
traducir tradujeron traduje-
traer trajeron traje-
ver vieron vie-
pedir pidieron pidie-
poder pudieron pudie-
If I were an animal, I would be a bird.
Si fuera un animal, estaría un pájaro.
If you studied more, you would get better grades.
Si estudiaras más, secarías notas mejores.
If she had wings, she would fly.
Si ella tuviera alas, volaría.
If we went to California, we would be lost.
Si fuéramos a California, estaríamos perdidos.
In the final if-then scenario, we will look at the use of si along with the PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE tense. In these examples, the si clause uses the PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE and the second clause uses thePAST CONDITIONAL
We use theses statements to describe situations that are again past events. The result is something that did not happen due to the first clause. Before we look at examples, let’s review the pluperfect subjunctive and past conditional tenses.
The pluperfect subjunctive tense is formed by using the imperfect subjunctive of the the verb haber (to have) plus the past participle of the verb. The past participle ending of -AR verbs is -ado and for -ER and -IR’ verbs, the ending is -ido’.
yo hubiera + past participle
tú hubieras + past participle
él/ella/usted hubiera + past participle
nosotros/as hubiéramos + past participle
vosotros/as hubierais + past participle
ellos/as, ustedes hubieran + past participle
If Marco had called, he would have known.
Si Marco hubiera llamado, habría sabido. (If Marco had called, he would have known.)
If they had studied, they would have gotten a better grade.
Si hubieran estudiado, habrían sacado una nota mejor.
If you had tried, you would have won.
Si hubieras probado, habrías ganado.
If I had run, I would not have missed the bus.
Si hubiera corrido, no habría faltado el autobús.
If I had known, I would have gone with you.
Si hubiera sabido, habría ido contigo.
Would you have bought the book if I had told you?
¿Hubieras comprado el libro si te hubiera dicho?
If she had had the money, she would have gone to the movies.
Si ella hubiera tenido dinero, habría ido al cine.
If I had had more time, I would have traveled more.
Si hubiera tenido más tiempo, habría viajado más.
Pedro would have visited her if he had known she was in the hospital
Pedro la habría visitado si hubiera sabido que estaba en el hospital
If I had known that I would have so many problems, I would not have bought this house
si hubiera sabido que iba a tener tantos problemas, yo no habría comprado esta casa
She would not have cleaned the room if her brothers had not come
Ella no habría limpiado la habitación si sus hermanos no hubieran venido
If I were you I would sell the car
Si yo fuera tú yo vendería el auto
If they come tomorrow, we’ll have to eat in the other room.
Si ellos vienen (3rd Pl Pres) mañana, Tendremos que (1st Pers Pl Fut) comer en la otra habitacion.
You will have problems unless you ask Carlos to help you.
Tendrás problemas a no ser que le pidas a Carlos que te ayude.
she could have done it if she had not drunk so much,
ella podría (3rd Pers Conditional Indic) haberlo hecho si no hubiera bebido (3rd Sing Pluperfect Subj) tanto ,
If there was/were fear, it would make us fail.
Si hubiera miedo, haría que falláramos.
If there is anything, notify immediately.
Si hubiera alguna cosa, avisad inmediatamente.
If you had parked your car here, you would have been fined.
Si hubieras aparcado aquí, te habrían multado.
Tom could’ve won if he’d wanted to.
Tom podría haber ganado si hubiera querido.
If he’d wanted to Tom could’ve -(would have been able to)- won.
Si hubiera querido Tom podría haber ganado.
podría = would have been able to
If he had been honest, I would have employed him.
Si hubiera sido honesto, lo habría contratado.
If I had been with you, I could have helped you.
Si hubiera estado contigo, te habría ayudado.
If you had come yesterday, it would have been great.
Si hubieras venido ayer, habría sido estupendo.
If you had studied harder, you would have passed.
Si hubieras estudiado más duro, habrías aprobado.
If I had had more time, I would have written to you.
Si hubiera tenido más tiempo, te habría escrito.
If I had taken that plane, I would be dead now.
Si hubiera cogido ese avión, ahora estaría muerto.
If I had been rich, I would have given you some money.
Si hubiera sido rico, os habría dado dinero.
I could have done better if I had had more time.
Podría haberlo hecho mejor si hubiera tenido tiempo.
If I had known his address, I would have written.
Si hubiera sabido su dirección, le habría escrito.
Tom could have given me some advice if he’d wanted to.
Tom podría haberme dado consejo si hubiera querido.
If you had left earlier, you would have caught the train.
Si hubieras ido antes, habrías cogido el tren.
If he had failed the exam, what would he have done?
Si hubiera suspendido el examen, ¿qué habría hecho?
If I’d known the truth, I’d have told you.
Si hubiera sabido la verdad te lo habría dicho.
If you were on the ball, this wouldn’t have happened.
Si hubieras estado atento, esto no hubiera pasado.
If I had known that you were here, I would have come at once.
Si hubiera sabido que estabas aquí, habría venido inmediatamente.
You look as if you had seen a ghost.
Te ves como si hubieras visto a un fantasma.
Had I arrived earlier, I could have seen Kelly.
Si hubiese llegado temprano, yo habría visto a Kelly.
I would have gone to the mountains had I had the money.
Habría ido a las montañas si hubiera tenido dinero.