43 Pluperfect/Past Perfect "HAD" Tense Flashcards
I had perpared dinner.
Yo habia preperado la cena.
We hadn’t tried that method.
No habíamos probado ese método.
You had been here
Tu habias estado aqui
You all had worked hard.
Habíais trabajado duro.
He hadn’t visited my my uncle
Él no habia visitado a mi tio.
Had they gone to to bed?
Se habian acostado?
PP with a specific cutoff point
The verb after a preposition is not conjugated !!!
I had eaten BEFORE calling you.
(Yo) Habia comido antes de llamarte.
We hadn’t listened to the CD UNTIL Tuesday.
No habÍamos escuchando a los CDs hasta el martes.
Had you washed you your hands BEFORE eating?
¿Habias lavado las manos antes de comer.
You all had met George BEFORE the party, Right?
Te habíais conocido a Jorge antes de la fiesta , no?
He hadn’t closed the door BEFORE leaving.
Él no habia cerrado la puerta antes de salir.
They hadn’t driven the car BEFORE buying it.
Ellos no habian manejado el coche antes de comprarlo.
I had paid the bill.
(Yo) había pagado la cuenta.
She had lived in Texas.
Ella había vivído en Texas.
They had lost all the letters.
Ella habían perdido todas las cartes.
We havn’t received an invitation.
No habíamos recibido una invitatión
Had you worn those shoes before the wedding
Habías llevado esos zapatos antes de la boda?
i had eaten all the candy before i found the prize.
(Yo) había comida todos los dulses antes de descubrir el premio.
We had practiced for four hours before the concert.
Habiamos practicado (por) quatro horas antes del concierto
How long had you smoked before quitting (it).
Por quánto tiempo habías fumado antes de dejarlo.
She had lived in St Louis before moving to St Paul.
Ella había vivido en St Louis antes de mudarse a St Paul.