33 12th Subjunctive: IMPERFECT Phrases onlys Flashcards
I wish I could.
Ojalá pudiera.
I wish I could swim.
Ojalá pudiera nadar.
I wish that I could help.
Ojalá pudiera ayudar.
If only I could fly!
¡Ojalá pudiera volar!
I wish I could help you.
Ojalá pudiera ayudarte.
I wish I could see her.
Ojalá la pudiera ver.
If only I could fly!
¡Si sólo pudiera volar!
If only I could speak English!
¡Si pudiera hablar inglés!
I was hoping that you might know it.
Esperaba que pudieras saberlo.
I was hoping we could talk.
Esperaba que pudiéramos hablar.
I wish I could do more.
Ojalá pudiera hacer más.
I would do it if I could.
Lo haría si pudiera.
I’d kill you if I could.
Te mataría si pudiera.
If I could be like that…
Si yo pudiera ser así…
I wish I could figure out how to make this work.
Ojalá poder averiguar cómo hacer que esto funcione.
It would be great if I could sing
Sería genial si pudiera cantar.
I wish I were clever.
Ojalá fuera inteligente.
I wish I were rich.
Ojalá fuera rica.
I wanted us to be happy.
Quería que fuéramos felices.
If I were rich, I would travel.
Si yo fuera rico, viajaría.
She advised him to go there.
Le aconsejó que fuera allá.
If I were you, I’d buy that one.
Si fuera tú, compraría ese.
I wish that I were young again.
Ojalá yo fuera joven de nuevo.
It sounds like a dream.
Suena como si fuera un sueño.
She advised him to be punctual.
Ella le aconsejó que fuera puntual.
She advised him to be more careful.
Le aconsejó que fuera más cuidadoso.
I did not expect it to be that big.
No esperaba que fuera tan grande.
He wanted it to be a surprise.
Él quería que fuera una sorpresa.
If I were you, I would paint it blue.
Si fuera tú, la pintaría azul.
If I were you I would act differently
Si yo fuera tú yo actuaría diferente
I wish I was joking
Ojalá estuviera bromeando.
Wish you were here.
Desearía que estuvieras aquí.
Maybe I was wrong.
Puede que estuviera equivocado.
Let’s suppose that he is here.
Supongamos que él estuviera aquí.
I did not know he was present.
Ignoraba que él estuviera presente.
I wanted Juan to buy the towels
Yo quería que Juan comprara las toalles
It was a shame you had to work last Sunday.
Fue un lastima que tuvieras que trabajar el Domingo pasado.
There was no one in the class who spoke French.
No había nadie en la classe que hablara frances.
No one believed that Maria had a car.
Nadie creía que Maria tuviera un coche.
Was it necessary for you all to call me in the middle of the night?
Fue necessario que me llamerais en medio de la noche?
They were not sure that I could take care of myself.
No estaban seguros de que yo pudiera cuidarme.
She prepared dinner so that we would not die of hunger.
Ella preparó la cena para que no nos muriéramos de hambre.
We cleaned the house before they arrived
Limpiamos la casa antes de que llegaran
She studied in case there was an exam the next day.
Ella estudió en caso de que hubiera un examen el dia siguente.
We did not think anyone heard us.
No pensamos que nadie nos oyera.
Was there anyone there who knew all the state capitals?
Había alquien allí que supiera todas las capitales de los estados?
We ask that they continue without us.
Pedimos que continuaran sin nosotros.