6.3 Systems inside the board Flashcards
Cross splits the “individual director lens” into three subcategories. What are these?
Biology and personality
Life roles
Director roles
Cross identifies three conflicts that affect role conflict (i.e. work life balance). What are these?
Time conflict
Strain conflict
Values conflict
What is imposter syndrome?
A phenomenon whereby an individual doubts their own achievements and fears being exposed as a fraud.
Which banking failure demonstrates an overemphasis on the “individual lens” when considering board dynamics?
Nick Leeson’s unauthorised and fraudulent trading bringin down Barings Bank.
Cross splits the “interpersonal board relationship lens” into two subcategories. What are these?
Building trust
Ego states
Maister et al offer four characteristics that contribute to trust. What are these?
What is Maister et al.’s trust equation?
(Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy) / Self-orientation
Who developed the trust equation?
Maister et al.
Eric Berne (1950) set out a Levels of Communications model to understand how intimacy is built. What are the levels of communication in this model?
1 Ritual and cliche
2 Facts and information
3 Values and beliefs
4 Emotions and feelings
Berne (1950) characterised three “ego states”. What are these?
Parent ego state
Adult ego state
Child ego state
Cross splits the “team relationships lens” into three subcategories. What are these?
Team development frameworks
Team dialogue
Board conflict
Who characterised the three “ego states”? (parent, child, adult)
Berne (1950)
Tuchman (1965) offers four stages of group development. What are these?
1 Forming stages - meeting and agreeing goals
2 Storming stages - voicing opinions / personality clashes
3 Norming stage - resolve differences and coalesce around common goals
4 Performing stage - established mission and norms
Who developed the four stages of group development model
Tuchman (1965)
Who published the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team model in 2002?
Lencioni (2002)
What are the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team according to Lencioni (2002)?
1 Abscence of trust 2 Fear of conflict 3 Lack of commitment 4 Avoidance of accountability 5 Inattention ti results
Kantor in Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together, identified four roles within a group that must exist for the group to be in productive dialogue.
What are these?
1 Mover - provides direction
2 Follower - provides completion
3 Opposor - provides correction
4 Bystander - provides perspective
Losada (1999) identified 4 key traits of effective teams. Explain each of them:
1 Connectivity
2 Advocacy : Inquiry
3 Other : Self
4 Positivity : Negativity
1 High performing treams have very high connectivitiy
2 High performing teams have a 1:1 balance of advocacy to inquiry
3 High performing teams have a balance of self to other referenced comments
4 High performing teams are strongly positive
Cross identifies three sources of conflict in the boardroom. What are they?
Relationship conflict - personal issues.
Task conflict - differences of opinion around the approach to tasks
Process conflict - how resources are used
According to Jen & Mannix (2001), higher levels of relationship conflict are likely to lead to problems and a team being lesss….. what?
According to the ICSA/Henley Business School report on Conflict and Tension in the Boardroom, what is the difference between tension and conflict?
Tension is disagreement that can be resolved by healthy debate. Conflict is aggressive tension that escalates to unsolvable levels.
According to the ICSA/Henley Business School report on Conflict and Tension in the Boardroom, which roles are most important for resolving boardroom conflicts?
Chair, Company Secretary, SID.
Katharina Pick envisioned the Drama Triangle, highlighting the dangers of overemphasising individual expertise in the boardroom. What are the three points of the triangle?
The victim
The persecuter
The rescuer
Which UK board organisation ofered a number of reccomendations for challenging in the boardroom?
Dulewicz and Herbet (2004) suggest 16 tasks of the board, split into which categories?
1 Supervision of management
2 Accountability to stakeholders
3 Strategy and structure
4 Longer term vision, mission values and policy,