Boardroom Dynamics

This class was created by Brainscape user O B. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: O B

Decks in this class (92)

1.1 The emergence of board dynamics in governance
Corporate s_______ have led to co...,
The emerging interest in a range ...,
The evolution of g_______ codes a...
6  cards
1.2 The evolving focus of governance
The cadbury commission 1992 ident...,
How has the role of the company s...
2  cards
1.3 Organisational failures
What did the financial services a...,
How does enron 2001 scandal exemp...,
What were the facts of the 2002 w...
7  cards
1.4 Interest in human factors
Bhutan was the first nation to in...,
What is meant by the term human c...,
What is the purpose of human capi...
14  cards
1.5 Shifts in approaches to leadership
According to jim collins what is ...,
How do john lewis and tesco exemp...,
There is a shift in leadership mi...
3  cards
1.6 Focus on ethics
There has been a focus on corpora...,
How do samsung and apple exemplif...
2  cards
1.7 How corporate governance is maturing
In 2009 the uk government announc...,
How has the uk corporate governan...,
There is growing recognition sinc...
4  cards
1.8 A broader model of corporate governance
Describe the 11cs model of corpor...,
What are the cs of the 11cs model...,
What are the cs of the 11cs model...
8  cards
1.9 Defining board dynamics
Define board dynamics,
What is a group,
What is a team
8  cards
1.10 The evolving role of the company secretary
Define culture,
Deifine board culture,
What is cultural intelligence
10  cards
2.1 Governance structures
Board practice compliance and res...,
A variety of different s_________...,
S_______ directives on their own ...
4  cards
2.2 Govenance theory related to board structure
A_______ t_______ recognises that...,
Who is the agent and who is the p...,
What is stewardship theory and ho...
5  cards
2.3 Defining structural elements of boards
Cross lists four types of board s...,
In what two scenarios are all exe...,
What is the uk code requirement o...
6  cards
2.4 Impact of board structures on performance
What does the uk code state aroun...,
What does the uk code stipulate a...,
What factors might a board consid...
23  cards
3.1 Board director demographics and attributes
What is emotional intelligence,
What is learning agility,
Of the 11cs it is the p______ a__...
8  cards
3.2 Board demographics
After the focus on board s_______...,
What are the 3cs in the board dem...,
What are the two capacity tests o...
15  cards
3.3 Board attributes
What are the 3cs within the board...,
Director competence can be diefin...,
Director competence can be split ...
22  cards
4.1 Psychology of the board
Board d_______ is the most vital ...,
Board dynamics can be defined and...,
A key p_________ to understand dy...
6  cards
4.2 The importance of board dynamics
Bad board b__________ is the thin...,
C________ governance and board p_...,
According to ruchard leblanc cana...
3  cards
4.3 Defining board dynamics
Define boardroom dynamics,
Cross discusses three elements of...,
What are te 3cs in the board dyna...
4  cards
4.4 Characteristics of boards and board meetings
Cross identifies 10 elements that...,
Cross identifies 10 elements that...,
Cross identifies 10 elements that...
11  cards
4.5 Boards as high-performing teams
Boards can be described as a grou...,
What is the difference between a ...,
Why do some consider that boards ...
16  cards
4.6 Board team outcomes
Henley business school professors...,
What is cohesion,
Why is cohesion in boards important
8  cards
4.7 Board team processes
Research by ruth wageman found th...,
Research by loughborough univesit...
2  cards
5.1 Board decision making
What is evidence based practice,
Decision making theory has shifte...,
Boards like many other spheres of...
5  cards
5.2 Board decision making - an overview
According to both hawkins framewo...,
Which icsa guidance has a section...,
Kahneman and tversy created which...
4  cards
5.3 Evidence based boards
In research that looked at the to...,
When taking an evidence based app...,
Cross gives four sources for evid...
4  cards
5.4 Cognitive biases
The frc guidance on board effecti...,
As both individuals and groups we...,
Manet 2010 investigated the impac...
20  cards
5.5 Individual difference in relation to decision making
What are the five factors in the ...,
Which personality trait measures ...,
The decision style model looks fo...
5  cards
5.6 Decision making tools
What are the four elemets of the ...,
Who developed the wrap framework,
In managing in the gray barradacc...
13  cards
5.7 Board team decision making - key factors and tools to contribute to a better process
0  cards
6.1 Stakeholder conversations
Boards must extend their perspect...,
The whole stakeholder ststem incl...,
Key concepts to understand board ...
3  cards
6.2 Stakeholder systems
Which section ca2006 describes a ...,
Cross offers six systemic lenses ...
2  cards
6.3 Systems inside the board
Cross splits the individual direc...,
Cross identifies three conflicts ...,
What is imposter syndrome
25  cards
6.4 Sytems outside the board
What is edward freemans definitio...,
The frc guidance on board effecti...,
What is the name of the icsas gui...
6  cards
7.1 Culture in the boardroom
C_______ has become increasingly ...,
Culture has many varieties includ...,
Culturehas been defined using an ...
7  cards
7.2 Governance and culture
Which principle of the uk corpora...
1  cards
7.3 Defining board culture
Geert hosfstede offers 6 levels t...,
Edward schein described 10 catego...,
Schein proposes three levels of c...
6  cards
7.4 Board cultural markers
Give 5 exampples of types of comm...,
The frc guidance on board effecti...,
Merchant pick 2010 provide exampl...
4  cards
7.5 Board cultural dynamics
Richard chait offers four types o...,
Richard chait offers four types o...,
Richard chait offers four types o...
17  cards
7.6 How to influence board culture
Which principle of the uk corpora...,
The association of chairs 2017 id...,
Who has responsibility for identi...
5  cards
8.1 Diversity in the boardroom
The concept of d________ has been...,
There is a strong and growing b__...,
The board needs to decide firstly...
5  cards
8.2 Diversity in governance
State principle j of the 2018 uk ...,
What factors relating to diversit...,
The frc guide to boardroom effect...
5  cards
8.3 Types of diversity
What is the difference been surfa...,
What are the 5 categories of dive...
2  cards
8.4 The impact of diversity on dynamics and performance
What are the 6 impacts of diversi...,
Which 2015 report identified a ge...,
What were the findings of a mckin...
18  cards
8.5 Diversity mindset
What is bias in terms of diversity,
What are micro aggressions
2  cards
8.6 How to promote a diversity mindset
List three ways of tackling diver...,
What is advantage blindness,
Which initiative seeks to support...
4  cards
9.1 The effect of meeting design on boardroom dynamics
Meetings have a poor r_________ i...,
Poor meeting reputation is often ...,
Research and practice indicate th...
8  cards
9.2 Introduction to meeting design
Whose quote is this if you had to...,
Studies suggest that unneccessary...,
Ray dalio hedge fund founder sets...
8  cards
9.3 Temporal characteristics
Why are temporal characteristics ...,
Deloitte consluting found that wh...,
Seth levine foundry group said th...
10  cards
9.4 Physical characteristics
What does cross consider as the b...,
What factors are important to the...,
Give two examples of board room t...
9  cards
9.5 Procedural characteristics
What is meant by the procedural c...,
List three procedural characteris...,
What factors could affect the goa...
6  cards
9.6 Attendee characteristics
What two factors does cross give ...,
What is the main argument against...,
What does cross suggest as the be...
4  cards
9.7 Board design checklist
0  cards
10.1 The role of the governance professional in influencing the board
The company secretary is now requ...,
One of the most important of thes...,
Although leadership can be define...
5  cards
10.2 The twenty-first century governance professional
Which report gave prominent to th...,
Which is the most recent and sign...,
What are the three key role chara...
4  cards
10.3 The company secretary as strategic leader
What was the 1 finding of the 201...,
Mintzberg offers three categories...,
What three managerial roles does ...
7  cards
10.4 Leadership influence
What four approaches to leadershi...,
The succes acronym from chip and ...,
What does robert cialdini mean by...
16  cards
10.5 Ethical dilemmas
0  cards
11.1 Effective talent management
The company secretary plays a key...,
There are three main approaches i...,
Required board role c__________ w...
5  cards
11.2 Board talent management overview
Who has the broad accountability ...,
Who wrote the war for talent,
Why can it be dangerous to focus ...
7  cards
11.3 Board competencies
Who published 20 questions direct...,
What are the first 5 consideratio...,
List 5 elements that may be inclu...
16  cards
11.4 Board recruitment
According to th frc guidance on b...,
Other than the typical use of per...,
Icsa 2017 says that when recruiti...
4  cards
11.5 Board induction
Who is usually responsible for bo...,
What elements might be included i...,
What might be one way to speed up...
4  cards
11.6 Board learning and development
What is the name of the learning ...,
According to charles jennings 70 ...,
According to the corporate execut...
4  cards
11.7 Board performance management
The performance management of ind...,
What is the problem with the rank...,
What is the issue with modern per...
7  cards
11.8 Board succession
Why is board succession planning ...,
The frc guidance on board effecti...
2  cards
12.1 Board evaluation
There is an evolving requirement ...,
Board evaluation practice is deve...,
The literature on how to conduct ...
5  cards
12.2 The company secretary as board consultant
The board evaluation is increasin...,
With whom does the accountability...,
The company secretary can be seen...
5  cards
12.3 The current landscape of board evaluation
Which report first recognised the...,
What report triggered the introdu...,
Which uk code was the first to re...
8  cards
12.4 How to conduct board evaluations
Icsa 2011 identified three issues...,
Nicholson kiel 2005 offer a 7 ste...,
Nicholson kiel 2005 provided a 7 ...
14  cards
12.5 Board evaluation - moving towards best practice
Name one factor that cross sugges...,
Name one factor that cross sugges...,
The chair is responsible for maki...
3  cards
13.1 Cultural differences in the boardroom
What is cultural sensitivity,
In a progressively diverse organi...,
One can have measurably different...
6  cards
13.2 The company secretary as cultural diplomat
What type of participation in fts...,
Why type of participation in ftse...,
What did egon zehnder describe as...
4  cards
13.3 Cultural development
Which model is based in six core ...,
What are the six stages of the de...,
The cultural development model is...
22  cards
13.4 Company culture
Which report defines company cult...,
Deal kennedy 1982 identify 5 elem...,
Deal and kennedy offer four types...
3  cards
13.5 Sector culture
What is the name of the model dev...,
The cameron and quinn 2006 compet...,
The cameron and quinn 2006 compet...
10  cards
13.6 Country culture
Name two of the four authors on c...,
Geert hofstede identified 5 dimen...,
Trompenaars and hampden turner s ...
5  cards
14.1 Developing behavioural agility
A twenty first century g________ ...,
The company secretary as team coa...,
The one to one coach requires a b...
9  cards
14.2 The company secretary as team coach
Which publication noted a gap bet...,
Burke et al 2006 found that the i...,
List the five main leadership rol...
3  cards
14.3 One-to-one coach
Over time the e__________ leaders...,
Which type of leadership is most ...,
What was the name of the google p...
12  cards
14.4 Mentor
Deloitte 2012 found that retentio...,
Define mentoring european mentori...,
What are the differences between ...
6  cards
14.5 Systemic team coach
Which is the fastest growing form...,
Who coined the term systemic team...,
Define systemic team coaching haw...
6  cards
14.6 Facilitator
What is facilitation at its simpl...,
Why is the company secretary an i...,
John heron identifies 6 facilitat...
16  cards
14.7 Other supporting roles
What is supervision in the contex...,
Why is the company secretary idea...,
What are the three other supporti...
3  cards
14.8 Concluding thoughts
0  cards
15.1 Maintaining personal resilience
There is an increasing need for r...,
The 21st century governance profe...,
Stress can affect us at the level...
8  cards
15.2 The requirement of resilience
What do we mean by the company se...,
How can technology affect persona...,
What factor is linked to all 6 le...
5  cards
15.3 The stress response
What does cross say is the first ...,
What are the three core elements ...,
What is the concept o eustress
4  cards
15.4 Defining resilience
Define resilience,
What are the icsas four levels of...
2  cards
15.5 Building resilience
What three types of coping does c...,
What is the name of the framework...,
Give three of the 10 common chara...
19  cards
15.6 A resilient board dynamic
How can reporting structure daman...,
Robertson and cooper 2017 give 6 ...,
Robertson and cooper 2017 give 6 ...
7  cards

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Boardroom Dynamics

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