6.2 - PEAT 2 (Section 2) Flashcards
Describe the appropriate parameters for NMES for strenthening
Intensity: As high as tolerated of maximum voluntary contraction
Duty cycle: 20% (rest period should be 5x as long as the hold cycle)
Duration: at least 10 contractions (so at least 10 min)
What movements of the temporomandibular joints are MOST informative to confirm TMD?
Depression & elevation
How does pregnancy (third trimester) impact the following:
Oxygen consumption
Cardiac output
Oxygen consumption increases 15-20%
CO increases 30-60%
HR increases
What is a comminuted fracture?
A bone that is broken in at least 2 places
What is the innervation of the femoral N?
Are visual stimuli beneficial for patients with Parkinsons disease?
ex: visual cue on the floor
Describe the stages of lymphedema
Stage 1:
- Pitting edema
- Edema that is reversible w/ elevation
- Limbs are normal size upon waking
- Swelling can increase w/ activity, heat, and humidity
Stage 2:
- Nonpitting edema (or difficult to pit)
- Irreversible edema
- Edema does NOT resolve overnight
- Fibrosis may emerge
Stage 3:
- Significant scar tissue & fibrosis
- Severe nonpitting fibrotic edema
- Atrophic changes - hardening of dermis, skin folds, skin papilloma
What breath sounds will likely be auscultated in a patient who has emphysema and no acute symptoms?
Diminished breath sounds
What are each of the following breath sounds typically associated with?
Friction rub
Low-pitched wheeze
Diminished breath sounds
Crackles - present w/ secretions in peripheral airways
Friction rub - pleural effusion
Low-pitched wheeze - obstructions (bronchospasm, asthma)
Diminished breath sounds - present w/ emphysema
What are hydrofiber dressings used for?
Heavily exudated wounds
Dietary intake should allow weight loss at what rate?
No more than 1 kg/week
What is an advantage of a rigid removable dressing versus bandaging in the acute stage (5 days post-op) following transtibial amputation?
Allows for early WB
Describe the MMT grading for the trunk flexors
Grades 5, 4, & 3
- Supine w/ legs straight. Arms at varying positions
Grade 2, 1, & 0
- Supine w/ arms at sides. Knees flexed
Grade 2: Head lifts from the table, but scapulas do not clear table
Grade 3: Arms outstretched above the plane of the body. Scapulas clear table
Grade 4: Arms crossed over chest. Scapulas clear table
Grade 5: Hands by head. Scapulas clear table
Describe the clinical presentation of radial tunnel syndrome
Results from OVERUSE
- Pain over the extensor muscle mass distal to the lateral epicondyle
- Long finger extension produces pain
- May have weakness of the finger and thumb extensors
Describe the MOI & presentation of a partial slippage of the annular ligament (elbow)
MOI: longitudinal traction on an extended elbow
Injury typically occurs in children 2-3 yo
What is lung consolidation?
Air in the lungs’ small airways is replaced with fluid, solid, or other material (ex: pus, blood, water, cells)
A physical therapist is designing a rehabilitation program for a patient who has a recent diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis. The therapist should anticipate that as the disease progresses, the patient is MOST likely to require:
- special precautions for osteoporosis.
- a wheelchair for community mobility.
- spinal surgery.
- bilateral ankle-foot orthoses.
- Special precautions for osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a skeletal complication associated with long-standing ankylosing spondylitis
Spinal surgery has a very limited role in the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis
What is another name for the FABER test?
Patrick test
How will an abnormal lymph node feel?
Firm, mobile, and tender or nontender
Rate pressure product is most indicative of what cardiac factor?
Myocardial oxygen demand
Which of the following clinical features is a CONTRAINDICATION to intermittent compression?
1.Past history of deep vein thrombosis
2.Impaired sensation
3.Local infection
4.Peripheral neuropathy
Local infection
Impaired sensation & peripheral neuropathy is a precaution
Recent or acute DVT is a contraindication, but not a history or predisposition