4.2 - CVP - PPT CVP DDX (Pulmonary Section) Flashcards
Week 4, Tuesday
Describe the muscles of inspiration
External intercostals (elevates ribs)
SCM (elevates sternum)
Pec Minor (pull ribs outwards)
Describe muscles of expiration
Relaxation of diaphragm
Internal intercostals (pull ribs down)
QL (pulls ribs down)
Describe how each of the following would deviate the trachea
Tension pneumothorax
Pleural effusion
Space-occupying lesion
Pleural fibrosis
Atelectasis (collapse of part / all of lung)
Space-occupying lesion -> pushes trachea away
Collapse of lung -> pull trachea towards it
- Tension pneumothorax
- Pleural effusion
- Space-occupying lesion
- Pneumonectomy
- Pleural fibrosis
- Atelectasis
Describe the normal respiratory rate for adults & children
Adults 12-20
Children 18-30
Newborns 30-60
What is hyperpnea? Hypopnea?
Hyperpnea - increased breathing rate
Hypopnea - decreased breathing rate
Describe a Kussmaul breathing pattern
What causes it?
Occurs in response to acidosis (Diabetic ketoacidosis)
- When hyperglycemia >300 mL
Increased tidal volume -> to expel CO2
Describe Cheyne-Stokes respiration
When does this typically occur?
End of life
Crescendo-decresecndo breathing w/ pauses between these cycles
What are vesicular breath sounds?
Normal breath sounds
“gentle breeze”, “wind in leaves”
Describe the following adventitious breath sounds & potential causes
Crackles (rales)
Crackles (rales) - fluid / air bubbles in the alveoli
- Pulmonary edema, pulmonary fibrosis, infection, CHF
Wheezes - high-pitched wheezing
- Asthma
Rhonchi - continuous, low-pitched; comes from copious secretions; “snoring, gurgling, rumbling” (“snoring rhino”)
- Pneumonia, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, COPD
Stridor - high-pitched whistling; upper airway blockage / object
- Tracheal stenosis, object obstruction
How does pneumonia often show up on a chest x-ray?
How many lobes does each lung have?
R) 3 lobes
L) 2 lobes
Describe atelectasis vs pneuomothorax
Atelectasis - partial lung collapse (due to interference w/ natural forces that promote lung expansion)
- treatment: a) Deep breathing exs; b) Chest PT - postural drainage, percussion, vibration; c) time
Pneumothorax - whole lung collapse (due to collection of air or gas in intrapleural space
- Treatment: chest tube
What does pulse oximetry measure?
Describe the normal range
What can cause inaccuracies with pulse ox?
Measurement of arterial oxygen saturation
Normal range: 94-100%
Inaccuracies: nail polish, anemia, low perfusion
Describe the recommendation for SpO2 during exercise
Want to maintain SpO2 >90% during exercise
If <90%, titrate oxygen according to hospital guidelines
What can be used to increase SpO2?
Position change, deep breathing, pursed-lip breathing, supplemental O2