2.1 - Neuro - PPT Nerve Roots & Peripheral Nerves Flashcards
Thursday, Week 2
Describe where the nerve roots exit in relation to their relative vertebrae
Describe the different “sections” of the brachial plexus
Draw out or describe the brachial plexus
When discussing “posterior cord syndrome”, what nerve is primarily affected?
Radial n
Describe the UE dermatomes & myotomes
Describe the sensory innervation for the major peripheral nerves
Describe the nerve roots for the UE reflexes
Describe each of the following types of nerve injuries:
Spinal Accessory Nerve
Muscle Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
What is lateral winging?
What can cause this?
Suprascapular N (C5-6)
Muscle Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
Long Thoracic N (C5-7)
Muscle Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
Musculocutaneous N (C5-6)
Muscle Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
Axillary N (C5-6)
Muscle Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
What is a common nerve injury that can occur with anterior shoulder dislocations?
Axillary N
Radial N (C6-T1)
Muscle Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
Posterior Interosseous N
What nerve is this a branch of?
Describe a common location for this nerve to be injured
Describe how to differentiate between dysfunction of this nerve vs the other nerve
Describe common / potential MOIs for a radial nerve injury
Median N (C5-T1)
Muscle Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
Anterior Interosseus N
What nerve is this a branch of?
What special test can be used to identify median N (anterior interosseous N) dysfunction?
A patient is unable to bend digits 1-3 while trying to make a fist. What nerve lesion does this likely indicate? Why?
Ulnar N (C8-T1)
Muscle Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
What special test can be used to identify a lesion of the ulnar N?
Describe this test
Describe the resting hand posture that may be present following an ulnar N lesion
What is Erb’s Palsy?
Describe the posture / positioning found with Erb’s Palsy
What is Klumpke’s Palsy?
Describe the hand deformity
Clinical Application: What muscle weakness would occur as a result of a mid humeral shaft fracture?
What nerve injury is likely to be present with incorrect use of the axillary bar of axillary crutches?
Radial N
DDx: Weakness of elbow flexion & wrist ext; diminished brachioradialis reflex
C6 Nerve Root
DDx: Sensory loss over webspace of thumb
Radial N
DDx: Weakness with shoulder abduction and ER
Axillary N
DDx: Weakness with shoulder abduction; sensory loss of anterior forearm; diminished biceps reflex
C5 nerve root
DDx: No tip-to-tip pinch of 1st-2nd fingers
Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome (median N)
DDx: Deep shoulder pain; weakness w/ ER
Suprascapular N
DDx: Ape hand
Median N
Describe how a paracentral disc herniation would affect the nerve roots in the lower lumbar spine
A patient has an MRI showing a L4-5 paracentral intervertebral disc herniation. What grouping of symptoms is likely to be present?
a) Weakness w/ knee extension, paresthesia medial thigh
b) Weakness w/ PF, paresthesia dorsum of foot
c) Weakness w/ great toe ext, paresthesia dorsum of foot
d) Weakness w/ knee flexion, paresthesia medial thigh
(L5 nerve root)
Describe the LE dermatomes & myotomes
Femoral N (L2-4)
Motor Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
What can cause a forward trunk lean during gait? Why?
What can cause a backwards trunk lean during gait? Why?
The saphenous N is a branch of what nerve?
Obturator N (L2-4)
Motor Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
Superior Gluteal N (L4-S1)
Motor Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
Inferior Gluteal N (L5-S2)
Motor Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
What are the branches of the sciatic N?
Tibial & common peroneal N
Tibial N (L4-S3)
Motor Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
The Sural N is a branch of what peripheral N?
Superficial Peroneal N (L4-S2)
Motor Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
Deep Peroneal N (L4-S2)
Motor Innervation
Sensory Innervation
Clinical Findings
Describe the actions of tibialis posterior vs fibularis longus
Tib Post - PF, inversion
Fib Long - PF, eversion
Which muscle would be most helpful to target to limit / correct excessive pronation?
Tibial Posterior
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Clinical Presentation
DDx: Weak DF; sensory loss over 1st webspace
Deep Peroneal N
DDx: 1+ Patellar tendon reflex; weak hip flexion; loss of sensation on medial malleolus
Femoral N
DDx: Weak eversion
Superficial peroneal
DDx: Weak toe flexion; lateral foot paresthesia
Tibial N