3.2 - PPT EKG Flashcards
Week 3, Tuesday
What does an EKG do?
Records the electrical activity of the myocardium
Describe the basics of a typical EKG
P-Wave = atrial depolarization
QRS Complex = ventricular depolarization (& atrial repolarization)
T-Wave = ventricular repolarization
PR Interval = delay between atrial depolar & ventricular depolar
ST Segment = delay between ventricular depolar & atrial depolar
Describe the basics of the different leads & electrodes
Lead II is the primary lead
Lead II = LL to RA
Lead I = LA to RA
Lead III = LL to LA
What time duration do the “big boxes” represent?
“Little boxes”?
Big boxes = .2 sec
Little boxes = .04 sec
Describe the conduction system of the heart
SA node = pacemaker of the heart
SA node - AV node - Bundle of His (R & L branches) - Purkinje fibers
Describe the normal HR range for different age groups
Adults: 60-100 bpm
Children: 70-110 bpm
Newborns: 120-140 bpm (1-12 mos: 80-140 bpm)
Describe the normal responses to exercise on an EKG
Increased p-wave height
Upsloping ST segment (NOT depression w/ upsloping ST)
Shorter QT intervals
Decreased R-wave height (not too big of a deal)
Describe how to calculate HR using EKG
Count big boxes and use 300, 150, 100, 75, 60, 50 rule
Describe the following atrial arrhythmias on an EKG
Wandering atrial pacemaker
Atrial flutter
Atrial fibrillation
Supraventricular tachyardia
Wandering atrial pacemaker - p-waves vary
Atrial flutter - “sawtooth pattern”
Atrial fibrillation - “squiggly worm”
Supraventricular tachycardia - normal EKG, but rapid rate
Describe the following ventricular arrhythmias on an EKG
Ventricular Tachycardia - “soon to be doom”; giant sawtooth; still regular beat
Ventricular Fibrillation - extremely irregular
PVCs - “wide & bizzare”; bigeminy; trigeminy; couplet; triplet
What does ST segment elevation indicate?
Elevation >1 mm indicative of MI!
Is ST segment depression normal or abnormal?
Can be upsloping, downsloping, or horizontal
Describe changes in the ST segment that are absolute vs relative indications to stop an exercise test
ST segment elevation >1 mm = absolute contraindication
ST segment depression >2 mm = relative contraindication
Describe the different AV blocks & how they present on an EKG
What is an inverted T wave indicative of?
L ventricular hypertrophy
Myocardial Ischemia
Describe the absolute & relative contraindications to exercise based on EKG
- Sustained v-tach
- ST elevation > 1mm
- ST / QRS changes - ST depression >2mm; downsloping ST-segment depression
- Arrhythmias other than sustained v-tach (supraventricular tachycardia; PVCs; >6 PVC’s per minute; PVC triplets; bradyarrhythmia; heart blocks)