4.2 - PT Final Exam 1 Review (Section 2) Flashcards
Describe primary vs secondary lymphedema
Primary - caused by an inherited or congenital condition that causes a malformation of the lymphatics system
Secondary - caused after a trauma occurs to the lymph system
What medications are commonly used to treat GERD?
Antacids (neutralize stomach acid)
Histamine 2 receptor blocker (decrease acid secretion)
Proton pump inhibitor
Which position can be beneficial for GERD?
LEFT sidelying - lower esophagus curves to the L when it enters the stomach
Remaining upright
AVOID supine or bending over
Describe the appropriate technique for performing manual lymphatic drainage
Begin at the proximal portion of the limb and then move to the distal portion
Starting at the distal end –> fluid has nowhere to go
Proximal portion must be cleared before distal portion can be moved
Describe the crossed SLR test
SLR w/ contralateral limb –> symptoms on the involved side
(+) test indicates disc herniation
Describe the function of cranial nerve XII
Hypoglossal nerve - Tongue movements
Describe a Boutonniere vs Swan Neck Deformity
Boutonniere - MCP extension; PIP flexion; DIP extension
Swan Neck - MCP flexion; PIP hyperextension; DIP flexion
What medical complication of hyperparathyroidism should we be aware of?
What is Grave’s disease?
What is Cushing’s Syndrome?
Body is exposed to high levels of cortisol
Should e-stim be used on the R shoulder in a patient with a pacemaker?
Describe potential side effects with long-term corticosteroid use
Cushing’s syndrome
Avascular necrosis
Describe a key component for treatment / management in patients w/ MS
Manage core body temperature
- Control environmental temperatures
- Cooling agents - AC, fans, cooling vests
- Heating agents should NOT be used
Describe the different forms of MS
Primary progressive - steady functional decline & disease progression since onset
Progressive-Relapsing - steady functional decline and disease progression since onset w/ occasional acute attacks
Relapsing-remitting - attacks of neurological decline followed by full or partial recovery
(most common)
Secondary Progressive - relapsing-remitting that progresses to steady functional decline with or without continued attacks
Describe the s/sx of a ruptured spleen
Pain in LUQ
L shoulder pain
Increased shoulder pain in supine w/ elevation of LEs (Kehr’s sign)
Internal bleeding - dizziness, lightheadedness, confusion, blurred vision, palor, etc.
Describe the appropriate positioning for MMT of hip flexion
Seated w/ knee flexed to 90 deg
What overflow muscles can be used to help facilitate strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles?
Adductors, glutes, & external rotators
What should a therapist do if a second-degree type I AV block is present on an EKG during a graded exercise test?
Continue the test but check vital signs and ask if the patient is symptomatic
What should a therapist do if a second-degree type II AV block is present on an EKG during a graded exercise test?
STOP exercise immediately & refer
What should a therapist do if a third-degree AV block is present on an EKG during a graded exercise test?
STOP exercise & call EMS
Describe the isolation precautions for each of the following conditions
C. difficile
C. diff - contact
Ebola - contact precautions (blood / bodily fluid transmission only)
Rubella (mumps) - droplet precautions (transmitted through large particle droplets)
Rubeola (measles) - airborne precautions (transmitted thru small airborne particles)
What positioning should lumbar traction be performed in patients with a lumbar disc herniation w/ an extension preference?
Prone w/ spine in neutral
May not tolerate supine
Sidelying is not typically used for lumbar traction
Should doughnut-type devices be used for pressure relief?
Can increase pressure on the areas of skin contacting the doughnut
How can environmental factors influence the skin and increase risk of pressure injuries?
Low humidity + exposure to cold –> dry skin
Skin should be kept dry but moisturized
7 month old female, which of the following reflexes is MOST likely to be present?
Symmetrical tonic labyrinthine reflex
STNR - integrated between 8-12 months
ATNR - integrated between 4-6 months
Moro - integrated by 5-6 months
Symmetric tonic labyrinthine reflex - integrated at 6 months (flexion of limbs in prone; extension of limbs in supine)
Define oscillopsia
objects in the field appear to oscillate (blurry, jump, jiggle)
A symptom of conditions that affect the eye’s ability to stabilize images, especially during movements
Describe the s/sx of bilateral vestibular hypofunction
Sense of dysequillibrium
Gait instability
NO nystagmus or vertigo present (this requires on imbalance between ears)
Describe the following research designs & rank their level of evidence
Case-control study
Cohort study
Cross-sectional study
Level of evidence (higher to lower)
a) Cohort
b) Case-control
c) Cross-sectional
Cohort - groups divided by shared characteristics (NOT the condition)
- retrospective or prospective
- Risk ratio
Case-control - groups divided by condition (you KNOW who has the disease and who doesn’t)
- Retrospective
- Odds ratio
Cross-sectional - comparing at one point in time