5- James and foreign policy Flashcards
Treaty of london 1604
signified peace with spain, allowed english merchants to trade in spain and the spanish netherlands
Who did his daughter marry
Elizabeth married Fredrick Elector palitinate in 1613
his family were connected to many protestant figures
What circumstances made the spanish match possible
scared that england would join the protestant coalition, Phillip of spain offered concessions over marriage to his daughter maria to win james over
The howard family, prominent family that held office were pro spanish and urged james to act off of his royal perogative
Spain was the strongest european power, compared to france who had a 12 yr old king
The addled parliament didnt grant subsidies so he turned to the dowry of the spanish princess (£600,000
Divisions in the privy council
the howard famly wanted the king to work off of his own royal perogative, while a rival protestant faction frequent meetings.
hampered the pursuit of any real objectives
Outbreak of the 30 years war
archduke ferdinand was elected king of bohemia in 1618
was anti-protestant so nobles offered the crown to Fredrick of the palatinate
Consequences of Fredrick of the palatinate accepting the crown of bohemia
as one of the 7 who choose the holy roman emperor, accepting the crown would give hm another vote, making protestants the majority
This would alter the balance of power in europe and catholics would likely loose their control of the region
Events following his Fredricks acceptance of the crown.
He and elizabeth took residence in prague
Ferdinand moved against them and in the battle of white mountain, bohemian troops were destroyed and elizabeth and fredrick were forced to flee
The impact on engalnd of Fredricks acceptance of the crown
James wanted to reisnstate him as ruler of the palitinate but not of bohemia
He wanted to use spains influence over Palitinate to reinstate
Spain didnt want them tho ally with protestant powers so pushed the spanish match
How did parliament want to win back the palitinate?
an alliance with the dutch and a naval war with spain
if spain and the spanish netherlands were under threat, spanish pressure may push Ferdinand into a settlement
How did james want to win back the palitinate?
use parliament to push spain into consesions OR
mount an expedition to win it back with alliances from the dutch and germans
Parliament of 1621
Called to talk about foreign policy, even though it was out of jursidiction
James didnt fully inform them of his intentions
Opinions of parliament in 1621
wanted an end to negotiations with spain
james just dissolved them instead
Facts of the trip to madrid
1623 buckingham and charles make the trip to spain, through france
James was reluctant to let them go but couldnt resist pleasing them
Aim of the trip to madrid
Show his devotion to marrying the infanta, hoping to push negotiations to a conclusion
Results of the trip to madrid
Buck and charles were essentially captive
James was anxious to get them home on any terms and agreed
cahrles and buckingham, at home, wanted a war with spain due to their humiliation
Opposotion to a war with Palitinate
Cranfield as lord treasurer opposed a war as its financial burden
however buckingahm had him impeached for corruption
Parliaments view on a war with The palitinate
Voted £300,000 for the war
however this was decpetive, theyd idnt want the uncertainty or expense of a war
the subsidy was only to be used on the navy and to subsidies the dutch, not for an expedition to the Palitinate
Buckinghams need for a french alliance
james would consider military action
provide a wife for charles
Anglo-french expedition to the palitinate
negotiated alongside marriage terms
to reinstate fredrick
however, the french refused to agree on them
terms of the marriage treaty 1642
Henrietta maria, her children and servants would be allowed to practise catholicism and have a chapel in london
her kids would be eduated as catholics until 13
catholics would be granted toleration
Mansfield’s expedition
Trip, without the french, to reintsatte fredrick in the palitinate
Issues with Mansfields expedition
poorly prepared troops
soliders died of disease
the rest deserted
achieved nothing, wasted £60,000 of the subsidy
Relations with the nertherlands in 1624
wanting a protestant alliance, james financed 6000 men for 2 years to fight in their war for independance
also agreed to pay for 7000 troops, in return of a danish campaign in germany