21 - analysis of the first civil war Flashcards
originally both sides relied on volunteers but eventually conscription was imposed
many people wnated to avoid involvement
desertation was high and people didnt want to riks losing theri lives over topics there were unenthusiastic about
club men
pledged to prevent both royalists and parliamentarians from disrupting local life, and called for them to make peace
found in 22 counties in 1645
amassed thousands of members
demanded stability and the rules of law to be restored
resisted enforced conscription
there were deaths not nly through battle but also diseases such as malria
11,000 houses burned down, 75,000 homeless
3.5% of the english population dead
reasons for the otucome of the war: length of the war
charles’ best hope was a short war
reasons for the otucome of the war: leadership
unable to provide leadership that was requried or employ anyone to do so effectively
rupert brought flair to battlefield but was too headstrong
this contrasts to the skill of fairfax and cromwell
reasons for the otucome of the war: cavalry
fire arms at this time were cumberous, short range and inaccurate, so usually used a pike, however this reduced their movement
this gave royalists an early advantage as the men young and rich enough to own horses were generally on the kings side
however, once again the lentgh of the war reduced uts effectiveness, and by 1644 the new model army had 10 mounted regiments
reasons for the otucome of the war: finance
war is costly ans both sides had to fin ways of raising finance.
charles recieve d gifts from his supporters in the short term but also introduced sequestration and the ‘contribution’
parliament introduced the assesment
used by both sides, cofniscating the property and goods of known apponents to the areas that they controlled
the contribution
a tax imposed on a locality whos inhabitants to to raise money on pain of having their property confiscated
the assesment
similar to the contribution
had to deliver a specific sum of money by a date guven by parliament, calculated based on what region is capable of paying
importance of securing london
benefoits for parliament in securing -
* 1. maintained parliamentary morale
* 1. good soruce of foodweapons and transport
* 1. wpuld require an enourmous army to take control of it
* 1. strategic gerographical advantage
* 1. londons major port
parliamentary weaknesses
leaders were relcutatnt to fight an all out war (essex and manchester) - limiting their sucsess
ther ewas growing animonsity between the indepenant army and the presbyterian governemnt
strengths of parliament
- outnumbered parliamentarians
- had major control of ports such as lodnon and hull
- had control over the navy
- recruitment and finance was largely sucsessful
- cromwells strategic genius
- scottish army’s support
royalist strentghs
- parliament were reluctant to enter an outright war with the king
- had more skilled horemen at the start of the war
- recieved donations from welathy aristocrat supporters
royalist weaknesses
- loss of london caused strategic and ecenomic issues
- oxford, as a base, was not as useful
- the lcoation of the kings supporters were too widespread
- outnumbered by parliamentary forces
- loss of key areas such as london and hull
- scottish army
- unable to raise finances sucsesfuly
- weak leadership