4: KKDP 3 Changes is psychological state Flashcards
Relates to how conscious or aware you are of internal or external events
Is a concentration of mental activity that involves focusing on a specific stimulus while ignoring and therefore excluding other stimuli
Selective Attention:
Involves choosing and attending to a specific stimulus to the exclusion of others. Usually the tasks are complex or novel
Divided Attention:
Refers to the ability to distribute our attention and undertake two or more activities simultaneously. Usually the tasks are simple or mastered
Levels of awareness:
NWC: Awareness of internal thoughts and external stimuli is high
ASC: Awareness of internal thoughts and external stimuli is greatly reduced.
Generally more difficult to perform tasks that require high mental effort
Controlled process:
An action that requires a high level of conscious awareness and mental effort. E.G. Completing Homework
Controlled processes usually:
Usually require full conscious awareness, and is serial; you can usually only perform one task at a time (selective)
Automatic process:
An action that requires little conscious awareness or mental effort
In Automatic processes:
Little attention is required, and is parallel; you can usually perform two or more tasks at a time (divided)
Consciousness Characteristics:
Content Limitations Perceptual Distortions Cognitive Distortions Emotional Awareness Self Control Time Orientation
Content Limitations NWC:
- We can control what we allow into our consciousness.
- We can block our awareness of information that makes us embarrassed or self-conscious
Content Limitations ASC:
- The content of our consciousness is often nonsensical and illogical (dreams)
Perceptual Distortions NWC:
Generally do not occur in NWC
Perceptual Distortions ASC:
Senses become more or less receptive to external stimuli
Loss of identity and loss of touch with reality may occur
Cognitive Distortions NWC:
- Memory system functions effectively
- Thought process organised and logical
- Able to problem solve and decision make effectively
Cognitive Distortions ASC:
- Trouble storing memories during ASC and retrieving information from LTM
- Thought processes are disorganised and often illogical
- Difficulties with decision making and problem solving
Emotional Awareness NWC:
Feelings and emotional expression is generally characteristic of the individual
Emotional Awareness ASC:
- Feelings/ emotional responses are heightened or dulled
- Can be inappropriate for some situations
- Unpredictable
Self Control NWC:
- Able to exhibit fine motor control
- Generally less open to suggestion and influence from others
Self Control ASC:
- Difficulty coordinating and controlling muscle movements
- More susceptible to suggestions
Time Orientation NWC:
- Estimation of time is usually accurate
- Time seems to pass at a normal speed
Time Orientation ASC:
- Estimation of time often distorted
- Time seems to speed up or slow down