4: KKDP 12 Treatment for Sleep Disorders Flashcards
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia
CBT (Definition):
A type of psychotherapy that combines cognitive and behavioural therapies to help people change unhealthy thought processes, feeling and behaviours
Insomnia can be maintained/worsed:
Because people have inappropriate behaviours that develops the insomnia
Dysfunctional Cognitions:
- Misunderstanding about the causes of insomnia
- Fear of sleeplessness
- Amplifications of the consequences of insomnia e.g. frustration and anxiety
Inappropriate behaviours:
- Remaining in bed for long periods of time
- Constant clock watching when in bed
- Use of stimulants such as caffeine too close to bedtime
CBT involves:
Focusing on overcoming the causes of a persons sleep problems and changing their maladaptive responses
Cognitive component 1:
Aims to help a person change their maladaptive thoughts associated with the bedroom
Cognitive component 2:
Assists the individual learn how to control or eliminate worries that prevent sleep onset.
Behavioural component:
Two therapy techniques:
Stimulus Control therapy
Sleep Hygiene Education
Stimulus Control Therapy:
Strengthen the bed and bedroom as cues for sleep
Stimulus Control Therapy Example:
Apply CC and OC principles to re-establish an association between sleep and the bedroom
Sleep Hygiene Education:
Provide information about practices that tend to improve and maintain good sleep
Sleep Hygiene Education Example:
Change the individual’s basic lifestyle habits that influence sleep onset
Bright Light Therapy:
Involves timed exposure of the eyes to intense but same amounts of light. The aim is to shift an individual’s sleep-wake cycle to a desired schedule.
For Bright Light Therapy to work:
The light needs to be used at the right intensity, right time and right amount of time.
Bright Light Therapy exposure:
Can be used to reset the biological clock.