2 - Pathology of Skin Lesions Flashcards
Number of reactive units
Reactive units of the skin
1 Superficial reactive unit
2 Dermal reactive unit
3 Subcutaneous reactive unit
4 Appendages
Cells that form bulk of the epidermis
Stain: elastic fiber
Verhoeff-Van Gieson (black)
Stain: mucin, mast cell
Toluidine blue (mucin: blue, mast cell granules: metachromatic)
Stain: collagen, smooth muscle
Masson’s trichrome (collagen: blue-green, smooth muscle: red)
Stain: mast cell cytoplasm
Leder stain (red)
Stain: glycogen, fungi
Periodic acid-Schiff (glycogen: red, fungi: red)
Stain: acid mucopolysaccharides, such as mucin
Alcian blue (blue) Colloidal iron (blue) Mucicarmine (pink/red)
Stain: amyloid
Congo red (red) Thioflavin T (yellow/yellow-green) Crystal violet (red-purple metachromatically)
Stain: iron
Prussian blue/Perls stain (deep blue)
Stain: melanin
Fontana-Masson (black)
Stain: calcium
Von Kossa (black) Alizarin red (orange-red)
Stain: lipids
Oil red O (red) Sudan black (black)
Stain: fungus
Gomori methenamine silver (gray-black)
Periodic acid-Schiff (red)
Stain: mycobacteria
Ziehl-Neelsen; Fite acid-fast stain (red)
Auramine-rhodamine (red-yellow)
Stain: spirochetes
Warthin-starry (black)
Stain: myeloid cells, mast cells, Leishmania, Histoplasma
Giemsa (myeloid cells: blue, mast cells: blue)
Split: granular layer (3)
Pemphigus foliaceus
Subcorneal pustular dermatosis
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome/bullous impetigo
Split: spinous layer (4)
Spongiotic dermatitis
Herpes virus infection
Friction blister
Familial benign pemphigus
Split: suprabasal (2)
Pemphigus vulgaris
Darier disease
Split: subepidermal (5)
Epidermolysis bullosa Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita Bullous pemphigoid Dermatitis herpetiformis Porphyria cutanea tarda
Junctional blistering (2)
Bullous pemphigoid
Junctional epidermolysis bullosa