08 JULY 2019 Flashcards
Ch. 16
list the three things about cerebellar dysfx
- problem with cerebellum itself
- ataxia w/ eyes open and closed
- normal sensation
list the three things about somataosensory dysfx:
- don’t get discriminative touch or propriocpetion
- ataxia with eyes close only
- ABnormal sensation
sensations not felt in somatosensory dysfx:
light touch
therapeutic test for somatosenosry:
Ronberg Test
sensory kit tests
list the three outputs of the basal ganglia:
- cerebral cortex UMN : via thalamus
- brainstem UMN: via the pedunculopontine nuclei
- brainstem UMN via: midbrain locomotor region
list the three structures the basal ganglia sends messages to:
midbrain locomotor
caudate messages are
what you want to do
putamen messages are
what you are really doing
globus pallidus messages are
the corrections between the two
the cerebral cortex gets messages via the
the brainstem UMN gets messages via what structures:
pedunculopontine nuclei
midbrain locomotor region
where to excitatory messages come from:
the thalamus and midbrain locomotor region
where does dopamine come from?
substania nigra
what does dopamine do?
the processing center for the basal ganglia
fx of the substantia nigra?
makes dopamine which is the processing center for the basal ganglia
global pallidus has two fx:
- makes plan to move
3. sends messages to cortex
a pathology that occurs when dopamine in basal ganglia happens?
shape of basal ganglia:
- little bit forward
- away from midline
- egg shaped cluster of cells
- with curvy tail
three inputs of basal ganglia:
**all excitatory
all the neurotransmitters that input are
which neurotransmitters are excitatory
neurotransmitters output:
which neurotransmitter are inhibitory?
outputs: GABA
internal processing is done by
list all five loops of the basal ganglia:
- goal directed
- social
- emotional
- oculumotor
- motor
which loops of BG are non motor fx
- goal directed
- social
- emotional
which loops of BG are motor fx
- oculomotor
5. motor
four fx of the goal directed loop:
- evaluating info for decisions
- planning
- choosing actions
- learning
four fx of the emotional loop
- emotions / motivation
- reward-seeking behavior
- make predictions
- integrates emotion w/ facial expressions
three fx of the social behavior loop:
- recognize social cues
- regulars self-control
- determines relevant form irrelevant