06 JUNE 2019 Flashcards
chapter six
list the four things an EPSP does:
excitatory post synaptic potential
pushes CA or NA into a cell
list the four things an IPSP does:
inhibitory post synaptic potential
hyper polarizes
pushes Cl into the cell or K out of cell
what are the two types of proteins are there in the synape
neurotransmitter and neuromodulators
a neuromodulator creates what type of response?
longer response
slower onset
can affect many neurons
where do neuromodulators take place?
act at a distance from the synaptic cleft
what type of response do neurotransmitters create
quick response
short lived response
where does a neurotransmitter occur at
neurotransmitter are released into synpatic cleft
acts on synpatic receptors
does a neurotransmitter excite or inhibit?
list all the five things about the neurotransmitter
- released into synaptic cleft
- acts on synaptic receptors
- excites or inhibits
- quick response
- short lived
list the five things about the neuromodulators
- act at a distance
- can affect many neurons
- slower onset
- longer response
- same molecule can be either (depends)
what are the three types of synaptic receptors:
- directly open ion channels
- indirectly open ion channels (slow)
- activate intracellular events (slow)
an ligand -gated ion channel means
that a ligand directly opens an ion channel by binding a protein to a membrane channel
fast response
g protein activated ion channel means
g - protein activated ion channel which means that a modulator binds to g-protein coupled receptor
then the g-protein is activated
then the ion channel opens and positive ions flow inward after the g-protein sub unit moves and binds to a receptor
what does a g protein second messenger system
so a NEUROMMODULATOR binds to g-protein coupled receptor and a g-protein is activated
then the g-protein subunit moves and binds to a receptor on an enzyme the enzyme changes shape and produces a second messenger
list the three things about the G-protein second messenger system:
activates gene - manufacture other products
- open membrane ion channels
- release intracellular CA