Windshear (FW) - Windshear Weather - 1 Flashcards
The best defense against the hazards of low altitude windshear is:
Hazardous wind variations at low altitudes can result from:
All of the answers are correct.
The most violent forms of wind change occur in the vicinity of:
Thunderstorms and rain showers.
Airmass thunderstorms appear to be randomly distributed in unstable air and develop from:
Localized heating at the earth’s surface.
What signals the beginning of the mature stage of an airmass thunderstorm?
Compared to airmass thunderstorms, frontal thunderstorms are:
More severe.
The downward moving column of air, or downdraft, of a typical thunderstorm is about:
1 to 5 miles in diameter.
The majority of documented windshear-associated accidents and incidents have occurred in:
The United States.
Observations suggest that approximately what percentage of thunderstorms produce a microburst?
The outflow region of a microburst is typically:
6000 to 12,000 feet across.
Microburst outflows are:
Sometimes symmetric, sometimes not.
Can more than one microburst occur in the same weather system?
After they contact the ground, microbursts typically dissipate within:
10 to 20 minutes.
The wind speed change a pilot might expect when flying through the average microburst at its point of peak intensity is about:
45 knots.
Some microbursts cannot be successfully escaped with known techniques.
If cumulus clouds are present in the sky, the greatest potential for microburst windshear exists:
If the air is hot and dry.
If pilots fly beneath convective clouds producing virga conditions, they:
May encounter a dry microburst.
In the course of analyzing past windshear accidents, the first and foremost “lesson learned” is:
The need to avoid windshear whenever possible.
Typically, in a windshear encounter after takeoff, the first 5 seconds of liftoff may:
Appear normal.
Successful recovery from an inadvertent windshear encounter after liftoff requires:
Maintaining or increasing pitch attitude and accepting lower than usual airspeed.
To recognize and respond to a windshear encounter, you may have only:
5 to 15 seconds.
Regarding windshear encounters on the runway, they:
May be difficult to recognize since the only indication may be slower than normal airspeed increase.