14 CFR Part 135 - FW - Subpart C - Aircraft and Equipment Flashcards
The operation of any portable electronic devices is prohibited in Part 135 operations, except for which of the following item(s)?
Hearing aids.
True or false? Pilot flight training may be conducted during proving tests for Part 135.
True; pilot training may occur during proving tests for Part 135.
For Part 135 flights an airplane must be equipped with which of the following systems?
Sensitive altimeter adjustable for barometric pressure.
For large turbojet-powered airplanes a crewmember interphone system is required to be available for use at enough flight attendant stations so that:
All floor-level emergency exits in each passenger compartment are observable from one or more of those stations equipped with interphone systems.
If the airplane is required to have a cockpit voice recorder and a flight data recorder, and datalink communication equipment was installed on or after December 6, 2010, it must also:
Record all datalink messages.
Under Part 135, a multi-engine, turbine powered airplane having passenger seating capacity of 10 seats or more and brought onto the U.S. register or added to the operator’s U.S. operation after October 11, 1991 requires a flight recorder which must retain no less than:
25 hours of aircraft operation.
Under Part 135, a Class A terrain awareness and warning system is required for turbine-powered airplanes having a passenger seat configuration of:
10 or more passenger seats, excluding any pilot seat.
At least one hand fire extinguisher must be provided for crew use on the flight deck. A hand fire extinguisher is required in the passenger compartment for aircraft with passenger seating configurations:
From 10 and 30 seats.
When above 25,000 feet MSL pressurized airplanes must have enough available oxygen for each occupant of the aircraft to last what duration?
10 minutes.
For transport category airplanes with pitot heating systems, the plane must also be equipped with:
An operable pitot heat indication system.
For night flights under VFR the airplane must be equipped with which of the following? Choose any combination of A) A flashlight using two size “D” cells, B) A slip skid indicator, C) A third attitude instrument system, and/or D) Instrument lights.
A, B, and D.
Except in remote locations and areas where terrain makes such communications impossible, an airplane under VFR must be equipped with the two-way radio communication equipment necessary to communicate with at least one appropriate station:
At any point on the route.
An airplane operating under IFR and carrying passengers must have installed what systems? A) A carburetor heating system, B) A heated pitot tube for each airspeed indicator, C) An alternate source of static pressure, and/or D) A free-air temperature indicator.
B, C, and D.
When operating under extended over-water the airplane must be equipped with:
2 approved independent navigation systems.
For extended overwater operations, how much emergency food rations must be supplied for each person?
A 2 day supply of at least 1000 calories a day.
Shoulder harnesses must be installed for each flight crewmember station for turbojet airplanes, or an airplane having a passenger seating configuration of:
10 seats or more.
What emergency equipment must be carried on airplanes with a passenger configuration of more than 19 seats?
All of the answers are correct.
In order to legally takeoff with inoperable instruments or equipment installed in the airplane an operations specification is required for:
A minimum equipment list.
A collision avoidance system is required under Part 135 for all turbine powered airplanes that have a passenger seat configuration of:
10 to 30 seats.