Airspace Overview - Controlled and Uncontrolled Airspace Flashcards
Class E airspace is considered which category of airspace?
In controlled airspace, ATC may control traffic. Which of the following is true about controlled airspace?
Traffic advisories will be provided to all aircraft as the controller’s workload permits.
VFR Operations in Class A airspace are:
Not permitted.
When flying VFR, what must you hear from ATC in order to enter Class B airspace?
Your call sign followed by “cleared into the Class B airspace” or equivalent.
A tunnel through which pilots may transition through Class B airspace without actually being in its airspace is a(n):
VFR Corridor.
Which of the following pilots is flying correctly in Class B airspace?
A student pilot with special endorsements who has received specific training for and in this particular Class B.
What is the airspace within 30 nautical miles of designated airport, from the surface upward to 10,000 feet MSL, in which operating aircraft must have an operating Mode C transponder?
Mode C Veil.
Although each Class C airspace is tailored to its primary airport, Class C airspaces most commonly consist of:
An inner circle with a 5NM radius up to 4,000 feet above the airport elevation, with a larger shelf area.
True or false? Parachute jumps are prohibited in Class C airspace.
True, unless prior authorization from ATC is received.
If the control tower of a Class D airspace closes, but federally commissioned weather reporting is still available (such as ASOS or certified weather observer), what happens to that airspace?
It reverts to surface-based Class E airspace.
What equipment is required to operate in Class D airspace?
A two-way radio.
Class D airspace that does not meet the requirements for Class C airspace, but is busy enough to warrant radar approach and departure services may utilize a:
Terminal Radar Service Area.
Which of the following would be considered Class E airspace?
All of the answers are correct.
What is the appropriate minimum visibility for VFR operations in Class E airspace at 12,000 feet MSL?
5 statute miles.
True or false? You cannot conduct VFR flights in Class G airspace:
False. VFR flights may be conducted provided minimum flight visibility and weather guidelines are followed.
Identify the airspace bolded on the Sectional Chart:
Class D.
Identify the airspace bolded on the Sectional Chart:
Surface-based Class E, beginning at 700’ during certain effective hours.
Identify the airspace bolded on the Sectional Chart:
Which of the following is an example of Special Use Airspace?
Military Operations Areas.
Aside from being depicted on Aeronautical Charts, where can you find a list of Prohibited Areas?
All answers are correct.
Why might an area be designated as Restricted?
It may contain invisible hazards such as artillery firing or guided missiles.
What makes a Warning area different from a Restricted area?
Warning areas are located over water.
From whom must you first obtain permission before entering an Alert area?
No permission is required, but it is wise to avoid them.
Which of the following is true about Military Operations Areas (MOAs)?
Military pilots in an active MOA are exempt from prohibitions against aerobatic flight.
True or false? Controlled firing areas are designated as CFA on Aeronautical Charts.
False. There is no designation, as operations will cease when an aircraft approaches.
National Security Areas (NSAs) consist of airspace of defined dimensions at locations where there is a requirement for:
Increased security and the safety of ground facilities.
Which of the following statements about the DC Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) and DC VOR/DME is correct?
All of the answers are correct.
Identify the airspace bolded on the Sectional Chart.
Identify the airspace bolded on the Sectional Chart.
Identify the airspace bolded on the Sectional Chart.
Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA).
At locations where a control tower is not operating, but where a FSS is located on the airport, what does the FSS provide?
A complete local airport advisory service to arriving and departing aircraft.
Pilots flying over National Parks, Wildlife Refuges, and certain Monuments are requested to:
Fly no lower than 2,000 feet AGL.
What does a Military Training Route typically designate?
Low altitude, high speed military training flights.
What are the restrictions on flight in Parachute Jump Areas?
None, but it is wise to avoid them while jumping is in progress.
If laser light activity is reported, how will it be disseminated to pilots?
For flight through an ADIZ, 14 CFR Part 99 does not apply in which of the following examples?
Operating at true airspeed of less than 180 knots in the Hawaii ADIZ.
Identify the airspace bolded on the Sectional Chart.
Special Conservation Area.
Identify the airspace area bolded on the Sectional Chart.
Parachute Jump Area.