Classes of Fire and Portable Fire Extinguishers - Classes of Fire and Types of Extinguishers Flashcards
Besides the chain reaction that perpetuates the fire, what are the three components that make fire?
Heat, fuel, and oxygen.
Fires are classified based on type of fuel. What class of fire has flammable liquids as fuel?
Class B.
A class C fire involves:
Energized electrical equipment.
What type of fire involves ordinary combustible materials such as paper and wood?
Class A.
How are fire extinguishers labeled to indicate what type of fire they are appropriate for?
Pictograms and class of fire they are appropriate for.
What indicates that a fire extinguisher is NOT appropriate for a specific class of fire?
The pictogram for the class will be included with a black background for “NO” and a red slash.
Which types of fire extinguishers are appropriate for use aboard aircraft?
Water and halogenated agent.
True or False? Halogenated Agent extinguishers are considered to be more effective and have a greater range than Carbon Dioxide extinguishers.
True. In addition, they’re suitable for cold temperature and do not leave a residue behind.
Which type of extinguisher should ONLY be used on Class D fires?
Dry powder.
Where would you find the record of the last visual inspection conducted on a fire extinguisher?
The inspection tag log on the extinguisher.
How often is hydrostatic testing required for Halon extinguishers?
12 years.
When should a rechargeable fire extinguisher be recharged?
After use or when otherwise needed.
For a typical workplace or building, such as a hangar, the travel distance to a Class A or D fire extinguisher should not be more than:
75 feet.
All aircraft are required to carry at minimum:
A fire extinguisher in the flight deck.
How often should the fire extinguisher aboard aircraft be checked to ensure they’re secured and ready for use?
During every preflight inspection.
For aircraft with interior access to the cargo compartment, where should the fire extinguisher be located?
At the interior of the entrance.
The P in P.A.S.S. means to:
Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher.
The A in P.A.S.S stands for Aim the nozzle or hose of the extinguisher at:
The base of the fire. This is where the fuel is actually burning.
If you encountered a fire in your hangar, you should NOT try to fight the fire if:
All of the answers are correct.
Should an inflight fire occur, what is the first step the pilot(s) should take?
Immediately don protective equipment, such as smoke goggles and oxygen masks.
During a flight, you smell smoke and fumes but do not see an obvious fire. How would you go about locating the hidden fire?
Search the aircraft using the back of your hand to feel for heat behind wall panels and doors.
True or False? The biggest hazard caused by a fire is the fire itself.
False. More deaths from fire are caused by smoke inhalation than burns.
Why are vapors considered dangerous during a fire?
It may be toxic or poisonous when inhaled or absorbed through the skin.
Impaired judgement occurs when oxygen levels drops to:
17 percent.
What is the most common cause of fire on an aircraft?
Electrical wiring and failure of electrical components.
When discharging a Halon fire extinguisher on an unpressurized aircraft, how low should the aircraft descend in order to increase oxygen concentration?
8,000 feet or as low as practical.
The overheating of a lithium ion battery, causing flames, heavy smoke, and potentially rocketing of the device is known as:
Thermal runaway.