What does MAIN stand for
when did the world end
how was America left after the war
economy was as high as ever s they had sold weapons during the war and lost no american citizens or had no fighting on their soil so were doing well but needed to find a new way of earning money as they were no longer selling weapons (as war ended)
how was germany left after the war
suffering massive economic, political and social turmoil, and were the only losing country in the war.
they spent more money than anyone and lost their kaiser as well.
How was japan left after the war (2)
-Earned a huge amount of money as they weren’t really involved in the war directly and had resources all other countries wanted.
- supported france & britain because they wanted to expand and they had more power supporting them
how was france left after the war (3)
- shattered as most of the fighting had taken place on french soil
- had spent so much money on the war that they didn’t have enough money to rebuild the country (26 billion)
- over 1.3 million soldiers were killed and 300,000 civillians
how was britain left after the war (4)
35billion spent on war but economy had grown as they had produced and sold weapons
- economy was likely to suffer now as they didn’t have their prime source of income anymore and had changed their whole economy for that during the war
- hated germany
- no battles were fought in britain but they had suffered a few airstrikes on some cities
how was russia left after the war (4)
- suffered 2 revolutions and then turned communist (lead by Lenin)
- Lenins rule caused a famine so bad some people resulted to cannibalism until 1921
- became soviet union in 1922
- many countries were worried about russia (bcs they had turned communist)
how was Germany doing in 1918 socially (2)
very bad, they had near to no resources and people were dying from starvation or hypothermia
many were very mad at the upper class because the poor were suffering while the upper class made money
how was germany doing in 1918 politically
huge amount of fighting between right and left extremist parties as they no longer had a kaiser and so both wanted control