how had the 20th century shaped vietnam before 1954 Flashcards
what happened in 1887
French took control of Vietnam ( french indo-china)
why does Vietnam resent China
because they were kind of their ‘big brother’ , and for millenia, dominated and treated Vietnam badly
who does vietnam border
what did the resentment of China from Vietnam result in
fierce vietnamese nationalism and a struggle fro indipendance ( as china controlled and occupied them)
social situation in vietnam in 1945
a famine was experienced because all the food ws going to japanese soldiers (+french) situated in vietnam
why did france want indo china
because they felt humiliated and weal after the war, and felt that regaining their colonies would help with that
why did USA allow france to invade vietnam
because they wanted to allow Germany to recover (priority was for Europe to become a strong economy because they would benefit from the market places) and the only way france would allow that is by letting them regain their colonies
when did france fight against vietnam
when did france have a lot of influence on vietnam
1880’s until 1950s
who occupied vietnam in the 1940s
by 1954, how much was the USA paying of he french-vietnam war
how much percentage of asia was a part of the european empire
economic shape of france in 1945-47
so bad that the USA is scared they will turn communist, which is also why they give their colonies back (to give sense of national pride)
what did Ho Chi Minh do in 1945
delivered a speech declaring vietnamese indipendance but france didn’t accept it and remained in Vietnam
why did Vietnam gain indipendance in 1954
because a conference at geneva was held, and vietnamese independance was agreed