Who were fidel castro & nikita kruschev & why did the USA feel threategned by them Flashcards
who was fidel castro
an anti-american cuban revolutionary who overthrew batista in 1959
who was Batista
cuban leader until 1959 (dictator 52-59, corrupt, pro-american and bad person)
when did Fidel castro come to power in Cuba
who is Kruschev
Soviet leader
when did the cold war come to cuba
in 1960
what happens in july 1953
Fidel castro begins to try and overthrow batista, but fails. He gets put in prison, and when he gets out, he exiles to mexico where he meets Guevara. They go back to cuba in a little boat and launch a revolution which suceeds in january 1959.
how does fidel castro come to power
Fidel castro begins to try and overthrow batista in 1953, but fails. He gets put in prison, and when he gets out, he exiles to mexico where he meets Guevara. They go back to cuba in a little boat and launch a revolution which suceeds in january 1959.
who is guevara
Cuban which is anti-american and pro communism (in the end)
where does batista flee to in 1959
Dominican Republic
Amereicas reaction to Castro becoming leader of cuba
they don’t invade straight away, and wait to see how he does. ( see if he’s communist or not, and if he’s pro-american)
was castro communist (beggining)
he never openly said he was communist, but some members of his party (brother) were.
what did America do when they realsied that cuba was becoming anti-american, and why
put economic sanctions on them because Cuba was dependant on them.
what economic sanctions did Eisenhower place on cuba and the effects of these
banned import of cuban sugar as cuba was very agricultural so that now cuba couldn’t sell goods or earn any money
he also banned oil to be sent to cuba- cuba needed oil for machines to make sugar
when does america place sanctions on cuba
how does Cuba react to the sanctions and how does USA react
the USSR starts to buy the sugar, which is a problem for america as they were trying to cut cuba out, so america asks CIA for help