Week 18 Flashcards
cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtus, 3, tr.; w. infin.
place; set up; decide; determine
cōnsuēvī, cōnsuētus, 3, tr., and intr.; w. infin.
have accustomed; have become accustomed; am accustomed
sententia, ae
opinion; vote
regiō, reiōnis
omnīnō, adv.
at all (with negatives like nōn); altogether; in all (with numerals)
cōnsuēvī - intransitive
I have become accustomed = I am accustomed
cōnsuēvī - transitive
I have accustomed
cōnsuēveram - intransitive
I had become accustomed = I was accustomed
cōnsuēveram - transitive
I had accustomed
jubeō, jubēre, jussī, jussus, 2, tr.; acc. w. infin.
order; command
oportet, oportēre, oportuit, 2, intr.; acc. w. infini.
it behooves
timor, timōris
place; set up; decide; determine
cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtus, 3, tr.; w. infin.
have accustomed; have become accustomed; am accustomed
cōnsuēvī, cōnsuētus, 3, tr., and intr.; w. infin.
opinion; vote
sententia, ae
regiō, reiōnis
at all (with negatives like nōn); altogether; in all (with numerals)
omnīnō, adv.
I have become accustomed = I am accustomed
cōnsuēvī - intransitive
I have accustomed
cōnsuēvī - transitive
I had become accustomed = I was accustomed
cōnsuēveram - intransitive
I had accustomed
cōnsuēveram - transitive
order; command
jubeō, jubēre, jussī, jussus, 2, tr.; acc. w. infin.
it behooves
oportet, oportēre, oportuit, 2, intr.; acc. w. infini.
timor, timōris
Formation of the subjunctive of possum
For the present tense, add pos- to the present subjunctive of sum. For the imperfect, add the regular personal signs to the infinitive of possum, posse. The perfect and pluperfect subjunctives are formed regularly on the perfect sztem, potu-.
Case of the subject of an infinitive