Grammar - Week 13 Flashcards
Formation of present subjunctive active
Change the stem vowel according to the following pattern: We beat a liar
1st a → ae
2nd e → ea
3rd iou → a
4th i → ia
Mood of purpose clauses
The main clause is active while the subordinate clause is subjunctive.
Formation of imperfect subjunctive active
In all conjugations, add the regular final personal signs to the present infinitive
Primary tenses
present, future, and future perfect
Secondary tenses
Imperfect, perfect, and pluperfect
Introduction to and tenses of purpose clauses
Purpose clases are introducted by ut (negative: nē). Use the present subjunctive when the main verb is primary. Use the imperfect subjunctive when the main verb is secondary.
Agreement of relative pronouns
The general rule of agreement of pronouns applies to relative pronouns also.
Agreement of pronouns
A pronoun agrees with the word to which it refers in gender and number; its case depends on its use in its own clause
When a relative clause of purpose can be used and the exception when it cannot be used
Whenever the relative pronoun can, without changing the meaning, be made to agree with a noun or pronoun in the main clause. The exception is when the relative pronoun would have to agree with the subject of an active main verb.
Rules for the tense of a relative clause or purpose
The same as for regular ut-clauses of purpose.
Purpose clauses introduced by quō
Used when a purpose clause contains a comparative. They follow the same rules for tense as regular ut- clauses of purpose, and the negative is nē.
Placement of comparitive in purpose clauses introduced by quō
The comparitive stands regularly immediately after the quō or nē.
Direct questions
Direct questions are ordinary questions which are addressed to a person.
Three introductions for a direct question
- Interrogative adverbs
- Interrogative particles
- Interrogative adjectives and pronouns
Quis vs. quī in the interrogative adjective
In the nominative masculine singular, quis is generally used as an adjective for which or what, quī for what sort of or what kind of.
Formation of perfect and pluperfect subjunctive for all Latin verbs, regular and irregular
Add the following endings to the perfect stem:
- Perfect:* -erim, -erīs, -erit, -erīmus, -erītis, erint
- Pluperfect:* -issem, -issēs, -isset, -issēmus, -issētis, -issent
Indirect questions
A question that depends on a verbof asking, saying, thinking, and the like.
Tense and mood of indirect questions
The tense in indirect questions is determined by the rule: tense by sequence. The mood in idirect questions is always subjunctive.
Indirect questions, primary sequence
The action of the verb in the indirect question happens at the same time as the action of the main verb = present subjunctive
The action of the verb in the indirect question happens before the action of the main verb = perfect subjunctive
Indirect questions, secondary sequence
The action of the verb in the indirect question happens at the same time as the action of the main verb = imperfect subjunctive
The action of the verb in the indirect question happens before the action of the main verb = pluperfect subjunctive
Vocative case
The vocative of all nouns and adjectives is always like the nominative except in singular nouns in -us of the second declension: these have -e. Proper nouns in -ius and fīlius have only -ī in the vocative singular.
Three common exceptions to the rule for vocatives
Meus (masculine singular form), Deus, and Jesus, whos vocatives in the singular are mī, Deus, and Jēsū repectively.
Position of vocatives
Rule of position: the vocative in Latin generally does not stand first in the sentence.
Formation of the present imperative active, singular and plural
Find the present stem and add the following endings:
1st -ā -āte
2nd -ē -ēte
3rd -i -ite
4th -ī -īte
Position of imperatives
Rule of position: the imperative more frequently stands first in the sentence.
Rules for wishes (optative subjunctive)
Possible wishes are expressed by the present subjunctive with utinam. (With the 3rd person, utinam is often omitted.) Negative: nē.
Exhortion (hortatory subjunctive)
An exhortation in the 1st person plural is expressed by the present subjunctive. Negative: nē.
Suus vs. ējus and eōrum
Suus is used to refer to the subject of its own clause (direct reflexive). When his, her, its, etc. do not refer to the subject of their own clause, ējus and eōrum are to be used (except in some cases)
Suus and suī as indirect reflexives
When a personal pronoun of the 3rd person is in a subordinate purpose clause or indirect question and refers to the subject of the main verb, suī and suus (not is, ea, id or ējus, eōrum) should be used.
Formative of the present and imperfect subjunctive passive
Follow the rules for the present and imperfect subjunctive active, then change the final personal signs exactly as was done in the indicative -ō or -m → -r, -s → -ris, etc.
Formation of the perfect and pluperfect passive
For all conjugations subjunctive:
- Find the perfect participle passive.
- Add, as a seperate word, the proper form of the verb sum (present subjunctive of sum for the perfect tense, imperfect subjunctive of sum for the pluperfect tense).
Rule for cum (when) in secondary sequence
In secondary sequence, it usually takes the subjunctive. Use the imperfect or pluperfect subjunctive according to the rule (Grammar 531-533)