W14_06 adolescent substance abuse Flashcards
what are the most frequently used substances by adolescents?
alcohol and cannabis;
high caffeinated energy drinks, tobacco, prescription opiod pain relievers, OTC cough/cold meds
what’s the ontario student drug use survey?
CAMH’s surveillance program of alcohol, drug use, other health related behaviours among adolescents (gr 7 - 12) in canada, every 2 years since 1977
note: males and females are equally likely to use cannabis and alcohol
note: alcohol and cannabis use increases significantly with each grade from gr 7 to gr 12
note: 30-50% of teens presenting with a substance use disorder will have a concurrent mental health disorder
what do we need to diagnose to label someone with concurrent disorder?
both a mental health disorder and substance use disorder concurrently
what’s the continuum o fsubstance use?
no use;
regular use;
what are the 4 stages of substance dependence? (including ending dependece)
regular use;
physical adaptation;
what’s tolerance of a substance?
need to increase amount to achieve desired effect, or diminished effect with same amount
what defines substance abuse?
consequences of use;
hazardous situations;
use despite problems
what’s the CRAFFT questionnaire for screening substance abuse?
ridden in a CAR by someone who was high?;
use drugs to RELAX, feel secure, or fit in?;
use drugs ALONE?;
FORGET things that were done while using drugs?;
told by FAMILY or friends to cut down?;
gotten in to TROUBLE?
note: the adolescent brain is still developing at a time when they’re most likely to initiate substance use
note: the prefrontal cortex (inhibition and executive control) takes time to mature between ages 5-20
which areas does THC affect in the brain?
hypothalamus (appetite);
amygdala (anxiety);
cerebral cortex (consciousness, hallucinations);
hippocampus (memory);
cerebellum (coordination)
note: lower prefrontal volumes correlated with a higher maximum number of drinks per drinking episode
what’s the intervention for the abstinence stage of substance use?
positive reinforcement
what’s the intervention for the experimentation/regular use stage of substance use?
harm reduction
what’s the intervention for the abuse stage of substance use?
brief intervention
what’s the intervention for the dependence stage of substance use?
motivational interviewing/referral